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​庄子的N世代  N Generations

广东现代舞团  Guangdong Modern Dance Company


日期 Date: 2019.11.17

时间 Time: 20:00

场地 Venue: 广东艺术剧院(广州大道中1229号)

时长 Duration: 80 mins


编导 Choreography: 刘琦 Liu Qi

创作舞者 Movement Composition and Performance: 李亚叡 LEE Ya-jui 、李嘉豪 LI Jiahao、张楚晨 Belinda ZHANG、李思雨 LI Siyu、王美志 WANG Meizhi、张雨婷 ZHANG Yuting、张妍 ZHANG Yan、张龙 ZHANG Long、郭凡 GUO Fan、方苏颖 FANG Suying、刘喜超 LIU Xichao、苗嘉伟 MIAO Jiawei

文本 Text: 何其曼 HE Qiman

原创音乐 Original Music: 黄楚原 NG Chor Guan

装置及灯光设计 Installation & Lighting Design: 刘诗豪 LOW Shee Hoe

新媒体编导 New Media Director: 柯咏恩 KE Yongen

新媒体设计制作 New Media Design and Production: 白莓科技  Pineberry Tech

服装设计 Costume Design: 贺晓春 HE Xiaochun



节目简介 Description








In the light-flickering city, where time rushes in haste, crowds of people are fighting for their life. When exhausted, some are seeking refuge in the mansions, some are looking up the sky when walking among the high-rise buildings, wishing to hover like an enormous bird.


Observing upon the starry universe, the concrete jungles of cities are merely grains. The whole world returns to its transparent origin. Zhuangzi advocates untrammeled freedom, espousing a humorous vision of observing the world. As time goes by, his wisdom still kindles people‘s lives, passing down generations after generations.


Following Zhuangzi’s philosophical concept of Xiaoyao, that one should follow the nature, and discard prejudice and obsession, N Generations integrates multimedia technologies, fashion elements and modern dance, presents the ingenious thoughts of Zhuangzi and inspires new thinking towards modern lifestyle.



刘琦 Liu Qi


广东现代舞团团长,国家一 级编导,广东省舞蹈家协会副主席。1991年毕业于北京舞蹈学院,获文学学士学位,随即留系任教。1996年加盟广东实验现代舞团,历任演员、教师及艺术部主管。2004年至2009年任广东现代舞团执行艺术总监。2006年获广东省“新世纪之星”荣誉称号。2010年至2016年任驻团编舞。2017年起任广东现代舞团团长。


刘琦的创作始于1994年,迄今已发表70多部不同类型的作品,也为广东现代舞团创作了多部获奖之精彩舞作。刘琦的作品以冷峻的思考和纯粹的表达直击心灵,优雅中蕴藏千钧之力,善于以不拘一格的创作理念自由穿梭于传统与现代之间,精巧诗意的独 特韵味又赋予作品鲜明的个人色彩,受到国际同行及评论家的一致赞誉及欧美演出市场的青睐,多年来受邀五大洲20多个国家及地区,为舞团赢得了荣誉。




Certified as the state first level choreographer of China, LIU Qi is the Vice Chairman of Guangdong Dancers Association. In 1991, she graduated with Bachelor’s Degree of Arts from Chinese Ethnic Dance Department, Beijing Dance Academy. Upon graduation, she took up a teaching post in the Chinese Ethnic Dance Department, Beijing Dance Academy and worked as a lecturer later in 1995. LIU Qi joined the Guangdong Modern Dance Company in 1996 and worked as dancer, teacher and head of the Arts Department. She was the Deputy Artistic Director of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company from 2004 to 2009. In 2006, she was acclaimed as Century Star of Guangdong Province for her outstanding achievements in arts. From 2010 to 2016, LIU Qi was the resident choreographer of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company. She was appointed as the Company Director since 2017. 


LIU Qi’s career as a choreographer dates from 1994. So far, there are over 70 dance works of her choreography in different categories, including modern dance and Chinese classical dance, have been staged. Those works are Pagoda, Fight Under The Table, Upon Calligraphy, Sumeru, Sprint, Voice After, Micro - visionary to name a few.


Her trenchant thought and purest form of expression always punch the audience’s soul. Her works are elegant but powerful, poetry but unique,and the style of them balance traditional and modern without limitation. LIU Qi has received numerous awards for her outstanding choreography, and her dance creations have been toured extensively, as well as being invited to international festivals and overseas performance. 


广东现代舞团 Guangdong Modern Dance Company




舞团秉承前瞻、开放的思维观念和多元、包容的创作态度,演出足迹遍及五大洲数十个国家和地区,曾获邀参加著 名国际艺术节及巡演近150次,如英国爱丁堡艺术节、法国蒙贝利埃舞蹈节、荷兰国际舞蹈节、英国布莱顿艺术节、意大利罗费瓦多舞蹈节等。所到之处,无不受到观众和媒体的高度赞赏和热烈评价。


Approved by the People's Government of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GMDC), mainland China’s first professional modern dance company, was founded in 1992. It is internationally renowned for its exquisite and captivating performances. GMDC has been hailed by The New York Times as “one of the big success stories of international dance” and “a pacesetter with a difference”.


With a forward-looking, diversified, open and inclusive vision, GMDC has been invited to more than 150 remarkable international festivals in dozens of countries and regions. Its works have won critical acclaim and overwhelming responses from audiences and critics around the world.


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