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【FUTURE X】全力呈现:2019日本新媒体艺术大师黑川良一巡演

Future X Presents: 2019 Japanese New Media Artist Ryoichi Kurokawa China Tour


X-LIVE旗下的“FUTURE X”品牌旨在呈现国际顶 尖“LIVE+VISUAL”的表演现场以及国际知名新媒体艺术家打造的音乐与艺术相结合的沉浸式声光装置LIVE。让观众可以接触与了解艺术、音乐与科技相结合的LIVE,探索未知的边界。

“FUTURE X” label, under X-LIVE, aims to produce high-end music LIVE featuring avant-garde visual effects, as well as promoting the immersive sound and light installations created by world-renowned artists. “FUTURE X” series keeps exploring the possibilities of combining music, art and technology, and bringing those live performances to audience who enjoy new things.


享誉国际的日本新媒体艺术家黑川良一将携最 新audiovisual作品“subassemblies”来华,进行上海、北京双城巡演!这也是“subassemblies”作品继2019年8月22日在加拿大蒙特利尔MUTEK电子音乐节全球首演后首次亮相中国!2019年12月27日万代南梦宫上海文化中心梦想剧场,2019年12月28日北京糖果三层,敬请期待今年最酷的新媒体演出现场!

The world-renowned Japanese New Media Artist Ryoichi Kurokawa is bringing his newest audio-visual performance subassemblies to Shanghai and Beijing! This would also be his first time performing this work for the Chinese audience after its world premier at MUTEK Montreal. December 27th, 2019 at Bandai Namco Shanghai Base Dream Hall and December 28th, 2019 at Tango Live, please anticipate the coolest new media live performance of the year!


在此次【FUTURE X】全力呈现:2019日本新媒体艺术大师黑川良一巡演中,黑川良一将通过建筑学视角来探索自然与人造物的关系,利用数字生成的材料来创造视听作品。整场演出由投影、光电与4.1ch音响系统组成,表演素材的主要来源包括扫描所得到的3D数据,也包括热力图、人造建筑、废墟与自然拍摄的连续镜头,这些素材重新组成为“subassemblies” 的各种内容,在有序与无序之间创造出崭新的时间线。

In subassemblies, Ryoichi Kurokawa uses his work to pursue the relationship between nature and human-made through a perspective of architectural scale. Main sources of this piece are 3d data captured by laser scanning, thermal images and filmed footages at human-made architecture, ruins and nature, and those are distorted and reconstructed into each modules as subassemblies to create renewed timeline with layers of order and disorder while exposing force of both nature and art.



Ryoichi Kurokawa was born in 1978 in Osaka and is currently based in Berlin. He has been producing and presenting his audio-visual artworks all over the world since 1999. Kurokawa describes his works as time-based sculptures. His works are a composition of symphonies, both imagined and produced as well as recorded. This with the combination of video material and computer-generated aesthetics changes how the spectator views the familiar.


黑川良一是变革性电影领域的诗人,常以抒情的手法模拟人类对自然的感知并转化为由变化多端的图像和情感组成的数字流影像。他创作的同步碎片化图像,如建筑学般精细入微,并行呈现在我们的视网膜上,在广阔无际的光影作用下冲击并取代了我们脑中模糊记忆的持 久性影响。

Ryoichi Kurokawa is a true poet of the transformative cinema, lyrically transfiguring the analog representations of perceived nature into digital streams of vertiginous imagery & emotion. The architecturally crafted precision of his sensitively synched fragmentary images placed side by side on our retina, tends to displace the persistence of blurred memory under the effect of boundless luminosity.


黑川良一的部分重要个展、群展以及表演包括:流变,K11 Select (中国,2018年);客体,Takuro Someya Contemporay艺术 (日本,2018年);解码器,蓬皮杜艺术中心 (法国,2018年);形式的梦幻,巴黎东京宫 (法国,2017年);反向折叠,FACT (英国,2016年);有序的混乱,Espacio Fundacion Telefonica (秘鲁,2015年);湍流,Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton (法国,2012年);击败熵的千种方法之一,第54届威尼斯双年展 (意大利,2011年);跨媒体艺术节,世界文化宫 (德国,2010年);合成,泰特现代美术馆 (英国,2007年)。


Some of Kurokawa’s significant solo and group exhibitions and performances include fluxes, K11 Select (China, 2018), objectum, Takuro Someya Contemporay Art (Japan 2018), Coder le Monde, Centre Pompidou (France 2018), The Dream Of Forms, Palais de Tokyo (France 2017), unfold, FACT (England 2016), Ordered Disorder, Espacio Fundacion Telefonica (Peru 2015), Turbulences, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton (France 2012), One of a Thousand Ways to Defeat Entropy - The 54th Venice Biennale (Italy 2011), transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Germany 2010), and Synthesis, Tate Modern (England 2007).


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