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Conductor: Xu Zhong

Orchestra: Shanghai Opera House Orchestra



2020/10/9(周五)19:30 (今日开票)









19:30, Friday, October 9, 2020

Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 in F major, Op. 93

Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55

19:30, Sunday, December 6, 2020

Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 in B flat major, Op. 60

Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68



*****All information on programme, artists and duration is subject to change. *****









贝多芬一生写就9部交响曲,创作时间跨越30年,贯穿其整个创作生涯,从这一体裁切入可以观测到贝多芬一生创作风格的变迁。其中,《第三交响曲“英雄”》和《第六交响曲“田园”》在国际乐坛上经常上演,广受欢迎,亦是世界交响乐史中最伟大的丰碑级作品。而《第四交响曲》和《第八交响曲》虽不是贝多芬交响曲的“典型性格”,却也展现出贝多芬本人的“多样性”,同样是能载入史册的伟大杰作。傅雷将贝多芬《第三交响曲》赞为“空前 绝后的史诗”;罗曼·罗兰将《第四交响曲》比作“一朵精纯的花,蕴藏着他一生比较平静的日子的香味”,《第六交响曲》是“夏日神明之梦”,而《第八交响曲》“交融着悲剧与滑稽,力士般的刚强和儿童般的任性”。


上海歌剧院院长、著 名指挥家、钢琴家许忠将在10月9日和12月6日两场音乐会中,以4部风格迥异的作品,展现上海歌剧院交响乐团在许忠执棒下不断跃进的实力,也为上海乐迷刮起“贝多芬年”的纪念旋风。在这个特殊的年份里,气贯长虹的贝多芬交响曲是常听常新的精神宝藏,音符间不变的勇气、坚守与不妥协,让我们得以拥抱不安,迎接变化,安然享受一 切前所未 有的现实挑战。


The year 2020 marks the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth. In line with worldwide celebrations for this occasion, the Shanghai Grand Theatre has planned a series of concerts in homage to the legendary composer, including the complete cycle of Beethoven’s piano concertos, first-ever in China in 2020, performed by pianist Zhang Haochen. Now the Shanghai Grand Theatre is hosting two concerts with the Shanghai Opera House, presenting the most representative symphonic works (No. 3 and 6) and relatively infrequent performed pieces (No. 4 and 8) by Beethoven. Thus the audience will enjoy a comprehensive understanding of his different symphonic characteristics.


Prior to Beethoven, no composer had ever elevated the form and substance of a symphony to such complexity and profundity as he would later have achieved. Since then, the symphony has dramatically increased in scale, with more refined themes and motives, and developments thoroughly expanded to the extreme. Owing to the deepness of intellection and complexity of techniques, his symphonies became the touchstone of symphonies by later composers, exerting pressure in particular on the romantic composers of the 19th century. To the latter, Beethoven’s symphonies stood as an insurmountable “Titan”.


In a span of 30 years that encompassed his entire creative output, Beethoven composed 9 symphonies, offering us a glimpse into his stylistic evolution. Symphony No. 3 “Eroica” and No. 6 “Pastoral” are the most frequently performed and widely adored. Both can be regarded as the greatest monolithic works in the symphonic repertoire. Symphony No. 4 and No. 8 show his diversity by breaking his typical symphony style. Both are great masterpieces after centuries. Fu Lei praised Symphony No. 3 as “an unprecedented epic”. Romain Rolland regarded Symphony No. 4 as “a pure fragrant flower which treasures up the perfume of these days, the calmest in all his life”, Symphony No. 6 “a delicious idyll of a summer's day”, and Symphony No. 8 “(that) mingles tragedy with farce and a Herculean vigour with the games and caprices of a child”.


Maestro Xu Zhong, Director of the Shanghai Opera House and renowned pianist and conductor, has chosen Beethoven’s four symphonies (No. 3, 4, 6, and 8) of distinctive characters. The two concerts on 9 October and 6 December not only set a stage for the Shanghai Opera House Orchestra to showcase her ever-developing capability under the baton of Maestro Xu, but also encourage the Shanghai audience to commemorate the anniversary of Beethoven’s birth. In this truly remarkable year, listening to the powerful and inspirational symphonies by Beethoven refreshes and reinvigorates our minds. The constant courage, persistence, and unyielding enthusiasm that lie in Beethoven’s scores enable us to embrace the unpredictable, to face up to the changes, and to savor the ride of conquering the unprecedented challenges.





享誉国际乐坛的中国指挥家和钢琴家,现任上海歌剧院院长,意大利维罗纳夏季音乐节、歌剧院首席指挥,苏州交响乐团首席指挥,苏州大学音乐学院院长。2012-2015年,担任意大利贝里尼歌剧院艺术总监、首席指挥,成为有史以来第一位出任意大利著 名剧院该项职务的亚洲音乐家。2013-2019年,担任以色列海法交响乐团音乐总监及首席指挥,成为以色列音乐史上首位担任乐团总监的中国音乐家。

曾以第一名的成绩考入法国巴黎国立高等音乐学院,师从法国钢琴大师多米尼克·墨赫莱。指挥领域师从中国指挥泰斗黄晓同教授,歌剧指挥师从意大利歌剧权威皮耶罗·拉塔利诺。早年,曾在西班牙巴塞罗那第34届玛利亚·卡那尔斯国际钢琴比赛、日本滨松第一届国际钢琴比赛、西班牙桑坦德国际钢琴比赛、第五届东京国际钢琴比赛、莫斯科柴可夫斯基国际钢琴比赛等重大国际钢琴比赛中多次获得大奖及荣誉,并以钢琴独奏家的身份应邀参加于维也纳、卢森堡、东京、首尔、北京、尼斯、纳坦利、滨松等地举行的世界著 名音乐节。同时,许忠还在意大利布索尼、瑞士克拉拉·哈斯基尔、爱尔兰都柏林、英国里兹、法国玛格丽特·隆、俄罗斯里赫特、日本滨松、韩国首尔等各大国际钢琴比赛担任评委。

与世界各地众多知名交响乐团和歌剧院有着广泛合作。不仅曾执棒英国皇家爱乐乐团、巴黎管弦乐团、意大利米兰威尔第交响乐团、佛罗伦萨五月歌剧院交响乐团、西班牙塞维利亚皇家交响乐团、澳大利亚墨尔本交响乐团、中国爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团和广州交响乐团等,亦与斯卡拉歌剧院、威尼斯凤凰歌剧院、佛罗伦萨五月歌剧院、维罗纳歌剧院、巴塞罗那利塞乌大剧院、瓦伦西亚索菲亚王后艺术歌剧院、巴黎歌剧院、英国皇家歌剧院、德国莱比锡歌剧院、纽约大都会歌剧院、旧金山歌剧院、悉尼歌剧院、匈牙利大艺术宫等世界著 名剧院长期保持紧密合作。指挥了《丑角》《乡村骑士》《茶花女》《阿依达》《游吟诗人》《波西米亚人》《托斯卡》《图兰朵》《修女安吉利卡》《灰姑娘》《费加罗婚礼》《漂泊的荷兰人》《蝙蝠》《微笑的国度》《埃莱科特拉》《卡门》《人类的声音》《天堂和地狱》《阿列柯》《唐·乔瓦尼》等经典歌剧,及《天地神农》《田汉》《拉贝日记》《松毛岭之恋》等中国原创歌剧。

2020年初,发起“全球音乐接力倡议”,集结各国顶尖交响乐团和歌剧院,用音乐助力抗击疫情的中国人民与海外华人。作为后续,4月再度与上海歌剧院、上海人民广播电台经典947共同发起“MUSIC ONE WORLD——世界地球日12小时特别直播”,用音乐温暖世界。



Biography(updated at 6 August 2020)

Conductor: Xu Zhong


As one of the most internationally renowned Chinese pianist and conductor in the world, Xu Zhong is currently General Director of Shanghai Opera House, Principal Director of Fondazione Arena di Verona, Chief Conductor of Suzhou Symphony Orchestra and Dean of Soochow University School of Music. Between 2012 and 2015, he was Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of Teatro Massimo Bellini. Between 2013 and 2019, he was Music Director and Chief Conductor of Israel Haifa Symphony Orchestra.


Xu Zhong received the rigorous formal piano music education in the class of Dominique Merlet at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris with the sponsorship of Chow Ching Lie Foundation. As a conductor, he learned with Prof. Xiaotong Huang and Maestro Piero Rattalino. Xu Zhong showed his exceptional genius in piano in his early years, and was reviewed as a top artistic pianist bursting on to the world stage. He won numerous prestigious international competitions including Maria Canals, Hamamatsu, Santander Paloma O'Shea, Tokyo and Tchaikovsky. These awards have established Xu Zhong’s status as a pianist in the international music world. As a soloist, he was frequently invited to perform in most of the prestigious music festivals in Vienna, Luxembourg, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Nice, Naantali and Hamamatsu. In the capacity of jury, Xu Zhong was regularly invited to the most renowned international piano competitions, including Busoni, Clara Haskil, AXA Dublin, Leeds, Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud, Sviatoslav Richter, Hamamatsu and Seoul.


Over the years Xu Zhong has been actively worked with many prestigious orchestras, including Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Real Orquesta Sinfonica De Sevilla, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, etc. His talent in conducting, in particular, has been acknowledged in the leading opera houses in Europe and worldwide - Teatro alla Scala, Teatro La Fenice, Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Arena di Verona, Liceu Grand Theatre, Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía, Opéra de Paris, Royal Opera House, Oper Leipzig, New York Metropolitan Opera House, San Francisco Opera House, Sydney Opera House, etc. His repertoire includes Pagliacci, Cavalleria Rusticana, La Traviata, Aida, IL Trovatore, La Bohème, Tosca, Turandot, Suor Angelica, La Cenerentola, Le Nozze di Figaro, Der fliegende Holländer, Die Fledermaus, Das Land des Lächelns, Elektra, Carmen, La voixhumaine, Orphee aux enfers, Aleko, Don Giovanni etc. In the meanwhile, he has conducted original operas including Shen Nong, A Legendary Ruler, Tian Han, Diaries of John Rabe, and Love of Songmaoridge.


On February11 2020, Xu Zhong initiated a global music relay project, allying first class orchestras and opera houses from all over the world to encourage Chinese people in fighting against Coronavirus by using the power of music. On April 22 2020, as a continuation of the global music relay project, joining the hands with the Shanghai Radio, Xu Zhong launched a special 12-hour broadcast program named MUSIC ONE WORLD.


In 2010, Xu Zhong was awarded the “Chevalier de L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres”, and was promoted as the “Officier de L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” in 2018 by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, France, for his contributions in classic music and cultural exchange.

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