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时间:2017年01月11日 周三 21:30



adress:Dongmianhua Hutong NO.7 Jiaodaokou South St.


2010年毕业于中央音乐学院民乐系二胡专业。 师从于著名二胡演奏家朱江波副教授。从2000年到2010年多次获得湖南省及全国的民族器乐比赛金奖。曾多次参加 CCTV 音乐频道风华国乐栏目的录制,2007 年曾参与国家大剧院开幕仪式的演出活动。并参加了国家教育部在北京音乐厅举办的对全国艺术院校教学成果的汇报音乐会。同年,创建了由4件中国乐器(扬琴,琵琶,笛子,二胡)组成的“世界音乐”重奏小组。小组一直致力于用中国古典乐器演奏,改编,编配,研究世界音乐。2007年3月,受智利使馆邀请,在智利使馆举办了小型 简单的专场音乐会。2007年9月,小组受孟加拉使馆邀请,参加了孟加拉诗人泰戈尔和纳兹鲁尔诗歌音乐会 。2007年11月,在北京音乐厅举办专场“爱在深秋—印度尼西亚音乐晚会”。 2009年1月,参加了cctv春节联欢晚会排练,音乐频道元宵节晚会的录制。2009年6月,参加了“拉丁风情”音乐会。2009年6月,受印度尼西亚大使馆邀请,作为嘉宾参加了印度尼西亚文化节闭幕式。同月获中央音乐学院国家奖学金。2009年参加中国-芬兰民族音乐交流会音乐会。2014年与法国爵士钢琴演奏家 Pierre Pradat 合作 ,融合爵士与中国传统音乐,合办夏至音乐会。同年与Pierre Pradat 再次合作,在他的协助下,把15种中国传统器乐的音源输入到 Nord 键盘,让世界可以更容易听到中国乐器的声音。 2016年5月,组建“ 黄亚琼爵士二胡四重奏 ”,专门发展研究二胡与爵士乐的融合演奏。

In 2010, Huang Yaqiong graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, having studied in the Chinese Traditional Music Department of Professional Erhu. She has taken first place many times at the Traditional Chinese Instruments Contest in Hunan province and throughout the rest of China. In 2007 she was asked to join the National Grand Theater’s Opening Ceremony performance, and later performed at the National Ministry of Education in Beijing Music Hall and advised the National Art Academy on its teaching results. That same year, she co-founded a group comprised of four traditional Chinese instruments (flute, dulcimer, pipa, and erhu) which became the ‘World Music Quartet’. The group was committed to playing world music on classical Chinese instruments, with Chinese adaptations and orchestrations. In March 2007, the Chilean Embassy in China invited the group to perform a small concert in Chile, and then in September 2007, the Bangladeshi Embassy invited the group to participate in the Bengali poets Tagore and Nazrul’s poetry concert. In November 2007, they held a special Indonesian concert at the Beijing Concert Hall named ‘Autumn Love’. In January 2009, the group participated in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, specifically for their music channel’s Lantern Festival Evening Party. In June 2009, they performed a ‘Latin style’ concert. In June 2009, the Indonesian Embassy invited the group to perform at the closing ceremony of the Indonesian Culture Festival. Huang Yaqiong has also received the national scholarship from the Central Conservatory of Music. In 2009, she was involved in the Finland National Music Exchange concert.

Since 2014, she has been collaborating with French jazz pianist Pierre Pradat on such project for Nord Music Company inputting fifteen different types of Chinese instruments into Nord’s sound bank. Any musician worldwide can now use the sounds of Chinese instruments in their compositions and performances. As of May of 2016, she has been working with the ‘Huang Yaqiong Jazz Erhu Quartet’, focusing on reseaching and developing the erhu as a jazz instrument. In this August, she have been involved in “Jazz meets Rauschenberg “ project , cooperated and played with Lincon Center Orchestra saxphonist and composer Ted Nash.

吉他:德永英彰(Hideaki Tokunaga)

吉他演奏家,生于日本大阪,1985年定居美国纽约,在“纽约地下音乐”(Music Under New York)的组织安排下在地铁表演。1990年他迁居南加州,并通过查理·明格斯(Charlie Mingus)奖学金项目进入加州艺术学院进修。1998年获得该校硕士学位。

在校期间,他获得《重拍》杂志(Down Beat Magazine)主办的第18届“最佳美国爵士器乐独奏”奖(从5000首音乐作品中评选出3名)。获奖后,与Moo/ MIDI唱片签约。他的首张专辑《风告诉我》(The Wind Told Me)在1997年发行。1998年又发行第二张专辑《午夜彩虹》(Midnight Rainbow)。

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