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贝多芬 F大调第一弦乐四重奏,Op.18.1 (28分钟)




贝多芬: a小调第十五号弦乐四重奏,Op.132(50分钟)



The program is subject to change without any notice.




四重奏汇集了四位杰出的演奏家,其中包括一提琴黄滨,中国音乐学院管弦系主任、教授,小提 琴演奏家,曾获得波兰维尼奥夫斯基青少年国际小提琴比赛和帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛第一名。 《华盛顿邮报》评价她为“实至名归的获奖者”,《巴尔地摩太阳报》称赞她为“令听众震撼的 天才”。二提琴杨岷,中国音乐学院室内乐教研室主任,曾任皇家利物浦爱乐乐团助理首席并先 后被伯明翰交响乐团;BBC 苏格兰交响乐团等英国著名交响乐团邀请为客席首席。之后,她在 伦敦交响乐团担任了五年一提声部第四位的职位。;中提琴刘子正,中国音乐学院中提琴教授, 刘氏曾在多项国际赛事中夺奖,以独奏及室乐演奏家身份活跃于国际乐坛,其演奏获《费城询问 报》称许为“精准优雅”。刘氏曾经担任上海交响乐团中提琴首席,以及圣地亚哥交响乐团的客 席首席中提琴;大提琴家亚历山大.苏莱曼,中国音乐学院大提琴教授,曾获得布拉姆斯国际音 乐比赛金奖,并作为教授任职于美国南加州大学。他与世界诸多的乐团合作,他的足记遍满美国、 亚洲和欧洲。





  • 2019 德国古典音乐奖(OPUSKLASSIK)室内乐录音大奖

  • 14 岁时与马克西姆·文格洛夫共同获得维尼亚夫斯基青少年国际小提琴比赛第一名

  • 意大利帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛金奖

  • ARD 慕尼黑国际音乐比赛头奖

中国音乐学院管弦系主任,教授,小提琴演奏家。在当今国际乐坛上,黄滨是唯一在以上三大国际小提琴比赛中均获头奖的小提琴家。她对于音乐 的诠释以及出众的技巧广受赞誉,《华盛顿邮报》评价她为“实至名归的获奖者”,《巴尔地摩 太阳报》称赞她 为 “令听众震撼的天才” 。 黄滨使用帕格尼尼的小提琴“大炮”演奏的贝多芬小提琴协奏曲由 Dynamic 唱片公司于 2013 年发行,这是唯一由这件传奇乐器录制的现场音乐会录音。法国权威《音叉》杂志评价这张唱片 为“最 高级的演绎”。黄滨 2003 年由拿索斯唱片录制发行的《巴洛克小提琴名曲集》被《美国 唱片指南》评为“编辑推荐唱片”。 黄滨与巴伐利亚广播交响、捷克爱乐、印第安纳波利斯交响、巴尔的摩交响、韩国广播交响乐团 等众多世界一流乐团进行过合作并活跃在国际舞台上,如美国林肯中心、肯尼迪中心、柏林爱乐 音乐厅、阿姆斯特丹音乐厅、东京歌剧院、莫斯科音乐学院音乐厅、中 国国家大剧院、人民大会 堂等。 黄滨曾在墨尔本音乐节与 Beaux Arts 三重奏以及茱莉亚四重奏、Guarneri 四重奏的成员合作。 黄滨曾任伊斯曼音乐学院与上海音乐学院小提琴教授,并曾两次担任帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛评 委。



中国音乐学院管弦系室内乐教研室主任,教授,小提琴演奏家。 杨岷出⽣于北京的一个音乐世家,5 岁开始学习小提琴,6 岁登台表演。9 岁考⼊中央音乐学院 附小,直到大学毕业。期间从师于刘培彦教授,随克强教授。大学毕业后,英国皇家北⽅音乐学 院 (Royal Northern College of Music) 提供她研究⽣奖学金,和著名俄国小提琴演奏家莉迪

亚 莫科维奇 (Lydia Mordkovich)学习两年后,获得了“高等音乐演奏”(Advanced Studies in Musical Performance) 和“专业演奏” (Professional Performance) 两项证书。 杨岷毕业后,⽴刻被 BBC 爱乐乐团 (BBC Philharmonic Orchestra) 聘为一提队员。三年后, 她获取了皇家利物浦爱乐乐团 (Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra) 助理首席的职位。 从那时起,她先后被伯明翰交响乐团 (Birmingham Symphony Orchestra),BBC 苏格兰交响 乐团 (BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra),博纳茅斯交响乐团 (Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra),西澳大利亚交响乐团 (West Australia Symphony Orchestra)邀请,任客席首席。 还被哈雷交响乐团 (The Halle Orchestra),英国室内乐团 (English Chamber Orchestra), 马 来西亚爱乐乐团 (Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra) 邀请,任客任副首席。 之后,她在世界顶 级的伦敦交响乐团 (London Symphony Orchestra) 担任了五年一提声部第 四位的职位。在这期间,她还作为独奏/重奏演奏家,在欧洲,东南亚,中东地区巡演。在伦敦 交响乐团任职期间,她还参加了许多电影录音,其中包括星球大战等。 她离开伦敦交响乐团后,由她建⽴命名的,以伦敦交响乐团的首席演奏家组成的重奏组,在世界 各地巡演。在一次特邀给泰国国王⽣⽇音乐会后,被曼⾕暹爱乐乐团聘为常驻首席,同时持有阿 联酋国家交响乐团首席职位。 她拉的是一把 1740 年的意大利小提琴 Calcanius.




中国音乐学院的中提琴教授刘子正,以中提琴独奏及室乐演奏家身份活跃于国际乐坛,其演奏获 《费城询问报》称许为“精准优雅”。刘氏曾在多项国际赛事中摘冠,其中包括 2014 年的普林 罗士国际中提琴大赛及 2012 年的美国星光艺术家全国面试。刘氏演迹遍及北美、欧洲及亚洲。 刘氏曾经以独奏者身份与费城室乐团及特伦赫姆独奏家乐团合作。他又曾于德国柏林的基辛格颁 奖礼上亮相,并且与享负盛名的东京四重奏同台演出。刘氏在学期间为柯蒂斯学院交响乐团的中 提琴首席。此外,他又曾经担任上海交响乐团首席,以及圣地亚哥交响乐团及哈利斯科州爱乐乐 团的客席首席中提琴。 刘子正先后毕业于柯蒂斯学院及柯尔本音乐学院,师承中提琴家迪亚兹、克莱蒂及费拉舒曼。刘 氏亦曾经接受著名的艾默森弦乐四重奏、瓜奈利四重奏及东京四重奏的室乐指导。 刘氏曾在世界各地举行大师班,包括了伦敦皇家音乐学院、苏州大学、迈阿密的新世界艺术学院、 华盛顿音乐学院及香港浸会大学等。



德国大提琴演奏家亚历山大·苏莱曼曾师从于 Eldar Issakadze, Daniil Shafran, Natalia Gutman 等多位名家。他不仅是勃拉姆斯国际大赛的首奖等多项大提琴国际比赛的大奖获得者, 同时还作为一名钢琴家,摘得了诸如德国、西班牙、美国和韩国的钢琴比赛的奖项。

他曾多次为世界各大知名音乐厂牌录制独奏、室内乐以及世界首演的音乐唱片,其中不乏包括德 意志留声机 Deutsche Gramophone, 拿索 Naxos, MDG, TYXart, GuildMusic 等知名唱片公 司。他与著名小提琴家黄滨以及钢琴家周宇博合作所录制的最新唱片《黄安伦钢琴三重奏》荣获 了 2019 年德国 Opus Klassik 古典音乐大奖(原古典回声大奖)。 作为一名活跃的独奏家,苏莱曼的演出足迹遍布德国、中国、俄罗斯、意大利、荷兰、奥地利、 南非等等,并频繁受邀与世界知名交响乐团合作在各大著名音乐厅举办演奏会,其中不乏包括莱 比锡的格万德豪斯音乐厅、阿姆斯特丹音乐厅、中国北京的国家大剧院、开普顿的马勒城市音乐 厅等等。除此之外,他还是各大国际音乐节的座上宾,如库赫莫室内乐音乐节、沃尔特湖古典音 乐节、西班牙 WOM 国际音乐节等等。同时,他也是有着悠久历史传统的德国诺伊堡国际音乐 节的艺术总监。 作为音乐的推广者,苏莱曼教授还投身于对外交流音乐项目,因此他被 ACBA 学院授予艺术总 监的头衔。该项目旨在培养来自发展中国家最具潜力的艺术家们。他的职责是在位于柏林的德国 众议院举办音乐会。之后,他在包含欧洲、约旦、巴勒斯坦、以色列、非洲、韩国以及朝鲜在内 的世界各地举办音乐会并推广普及古典音乐。因此,也被德国主流媒体赞誉为“音乐大使”。 目前,苏莱曼受聘于北京的中国音乐学院,并担任大提琴特聘教授一职。他也经常受邀在德国、 以色列、中国、芬兰、美国等国际音乐大赛中担任评委。



First Violin :Bin Huang Second Violin:Min Yang Violist:Born Lau Cellist:Alexander Suleiman First Violin :Bin Huang Bin Huang, one of the most outstanding violinists from China, first came to international attention when she won the Junior Wieniawski International Violin Competition in Lublin, Poland at age fourteen. She has maintained international prominence, winning both the Paganini International Violin Competition in Genoa, Italy, and the Munich (ARD) International Music Competition in Munich, Germany. Bin Huang’s concert career has taken her throughout the world, performing in five continents at important venues and festivals. Bin Huang has recorded numerous recordings for Naxos, Dynamic, and MDG labels. She served as a jury member in the 53rd and 55th Paganini International Violin Competition in Genoa, Italy. She will be the Chairman of Jury at the China International Music Competition in 2020. Bin Huang was a violin professor at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Eastman School of Music. She is currently the Director of Orchestral Instruments Department at the China Conservatory of Music in Beijing.

Second Violin:Min Yang Min Yang was born into a musical family in Beijing. She started to play the violin from the age of five and gave her first public concert the following year. She entered the attached primary school of the Central Conservatory of Music at the age of 8, later on attended the Conservatory itself. After her studies in China, Min Yang was offered a full scholarship by the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. Over the next two years she gave a number of recitals across England and Wales whilst studying with Russian violinist Lydia Mordkovitch. She graduated with Diplomas of “Advanced studies in Musical Performance” and “Professional Performance”. Min Yang worked with the B.B.C. Philharmonic Orchestra after she finished her studies at the R.N.C.M. Three years later, she was appointed as Assistant Concert Master with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. Since then, Min Yang has been invited as guest Concert Master with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the B.B.C. Scottish Symphony Orchestra, the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and guest co-master with the Hallé Orchestra, English Chamber Orchestra and Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Min Yang held the No.4 position in the first violins in the London Symphony Orchestra for five years, as well as giving solo recitals, concertos, chamber music concerts throughout Europe, Far East, and the Middle East. She is currently the Head of Chamber Music and Orchestral Studies at the China Conservatory of Music. Violist: Born Lau Praised for his “immaculately refined” playing (The Philadelphia Inquirer), violist Born Lau has appeared internationally both as a soloist and chamber musician. A prizewinner of the Primrose International Viola Competition and the Astral National Auditions, he enjoys a career spanning three continents. Career highlights include performances as a soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia and Trondheim Soloists, performance at the Henry A. Kissinger Prize ceremony in Berlin, and a concert with the esteemed Tokyo String Quartet in Los Angeles. Lau has served as Principal Violist of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, as well as Guest Principal Violist of San Diego Symphony, Curtis Symphony Orchestra, and Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra. Lau received his education from the Curtis Institute of Music, and the Colburn Conservatory of Music. He has studied with viola teachers including Roberto Diaz, Paul Coletti and Richard Fleischman. Chamber music studies with members of the Emerson, Guarneri and Tokyo String Quartets.

As an educator, Lau has given viola master classes throughout the world, including the Royal Academy of Music, Soochow University, the New World School of the Arts, Washington Conservatory of Music, and the Baptist University. He is currently the Professor of Viola at the China Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Cellist: Alexander Suleiman Alexander Suleiman studied with Eldar Issakadze, Daniil Shafran and Natalia Gutman and has won numerous competitions not only with his main instrument but also as a pianist. He was awarded the first prize in cello at the International Johannes Brahms Competition in Austria and has since been concertizing throughout the world. He has recorded for Naxos, TYXart, Guild Music, and MDG labels and in October 2019 the recording of the piano trios of An-lun Huang together with Bin Huang and Yubo Zhou has been awarded the Opus Klassik prize. Following his position as a professor of cello at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles for numerous years, Mr Suleiman is currently teaching as a professor of cello at the China Conservatory of Music in Beijing.


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