
- 快递配送:运费10元(V4及以上会员包邮),顺丰发货。
- 现场取票:票牛工作人员将在演出开场前1小时至现场派票。工作人员联系方式、具体取票地点将在演出当天以短信通知发送至预留的手机号。













浸入式戏剧 《不眠之夜》




1. 请于票面指定时间抵达并按照工作人员的指示分批排队入场。建议于入场时间30分钟抵达麦金侬酒店等候。下午场最晚入场时间为15:30,晚场最晚入场时间为20:30迟到的来宾将被谢绝入场。


2. 16周岁以下儿童谢绝入场。入场前,来宾可能被要求出示印有出生日期的有效证件,经核实后方可入场。怀孕超过5个月的孕妇不建议观看本剧。怀孕及行动不便的来宾观剧需有人陪同观看,观剧前请与票房联系。


3. 醉酒或滥用药物者,谢绝入场。


4. 演出场内将出现闪光灯、烟雾、激光效果,患有包括但不限于高血压、心脏病、焦虑症、幽闭恐惧症等疾病的来宾不建议观看本剧。


5. 《不眠之夜》没有固定的观演座位,建议穿着舒适的鞋观看演出。


6. 必须全程佩戴口罩和面具观看《不眠之夜》。戴眼镜的来宾,口罩和面具的佩戴可能会造成不适,建议佩戴隐形眼镜观看演出。若未按要求全程佩戴口罩,将被请出剧场在此情形下,演出方不承担任何赔偿责任。


7. 包、外套、大衣及其他随身物品不被允许带入剧场内。剧场内提供衣帽间和储物间服务,可存放包、外套及其他随身物品。


8. 演区内严禁使用手机或任何其他会发出声响的电子设备。进入演出场地后,未经许可,不得拍照,录像或录音。在入场时,剧场会提供手机袋,在入场时工作人员会将手机袋封锁,当您离开演区后将为您解锁。同时请配合剧场工作人员的检查,自行将携带的其他电子设备诸如照相机、智能手表、平板电脑、智能眼镜等设备寄存。


9. 剧院内严禁吸烟(包括电子烟),禁止携带危险物品、塑料袋、食品及饮料入场。入场前,需接受剧场工作人员的安全检查,不可携带入场的物品必须寄存。


10. 在场内如行为失当(包括但不限于对演员和工作人员语言攻击、肢体冲撞、影响演员表演、破坏演出场景或道具、不听从剧场工作人员的劝告),您将有可能被请出剧场。在此情形下,演出方不承担任何赔偿责任。


11. 演出中将设有一对一互动环节。如觉不适,可及时告知演员停止该段表演。


12. 演出中,鼓励来宾独自探索。演出开始时,来宾和同伴可能会被分开,在不同批次进入演区,作人员没有义务帮来宾寻找同伴,特殊情况除外(包括但不限于身体不适、行动不便、处于孕期等健康和安全相关情况)


13. 演出途中来宾可随时离开。来宾一旦离开,将无法再次进入演区。




1. Please select the tickets with care when booking. Please confirm session and entry time while purchasing the ticket.Tickets are non-refundable or exchangeable once a booking has been made.


2. In the event that the show is cancelled due to force majeure, or any other reasons beyond the theatre’s control, refunds shall only be for the value of tickets purchased and shall not be issued for any other losses of any kind.


3. Tampered tickets will be rendered invalid and holders will be refused entry.


4. Reselling tickets with extortionate price via secondary markets is strictly forbidden. Those responsible for unauthorized selling will be prosecuted.


5. Our show is continual. Please purchase your tickets on our official website: www.sleepnomore.cn or on official authorization platforms. Tickets from other channels are not guaranteed and the holders will take the consequences.


6.  E-tickets shall only be redeemed on the day of the show (30 minutes before the arrival time on tickets) at the box office, not in advance.Please be aware of that when booking tickets.


7.  Children under the age of 16 will not be admitted. Proof of age may be required before entry. Sleep No More is not recommended for those more than 5 months pregnant. Those who are pregnant or those with disabilities should contact the box office prior to booking tickets.






1. Please arrive on time. Please line up and enter the theatre in order as instructed by theatre staff. You are recommended to arrive at the McKinnon Hotel 30min in advance.Last entry to the theatre is at 8:30pm for evening shows and at 3:30pm for matinee shows.Late comers will not be admitted.


2. Children under the age of 16 will not be admitted. Proof of age may be required before entry. Sleep No More is not recommended for those more than 5 months pregnant. Those who are pregnant or those with disabilities should contact the box office prior to booking tickets.


3. Those under the influence of alcohol or other substances will not be admitted.


4. The performance includes the use of haze, smoke, strobe and laser effects.Guests with medical conditions including, but not limited to, high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety disorders, claustrophobia, etc. are not recommended to watch this show.


5. Sleep No More is not a seated show. Comfortable footwear is highly recommended.

6. Sleep No More requires masks for both health protection and the show wearing throughout the show. For guests wearing glasses, wearing both surgical mask for health protection and show mask may cause discomfort, so that contact lenses are recommended for watching the show. Not wearing surgical mask for health protection throughout the show will be asked to leave the theatre andnot be readmitted. Under such circumstances, no refunds shall be offered.


7. Bags, purses, coat and other belongings are not permitted within the theatre. A cloakroom service is available at the theatre for bags, purses, coats and other belongings.


8. The use of cell phones or other noise emitting equipment is strictly prohibited during the show. Photography, video recording and sound recording of all kinds are strictly prohibited within the show area. Prior to entering the show area, you shall check in all mobile or cellular phones, smart phones, camcorders, smart watches, tablets, smart glasses and any other wearable equipment required at the sole discretion of the theatre staff. These items will be sealed in a protective bag by theatre staff, and you will not be able to access these items until you exit the show area.


9. No smoking is allowed in the theatre (including the electronic cigarette). Dangerous articles, plastic bags, and food and drink purchased outside the theatre, are not permitted. Guests may be subjected to security checks and inspections prior to entry. Any prohibited items will be retained by theatre staff.


10. Behave properly at all times in theatre. At the sole discretion of the theatre staff, those behaving improperly (including but not limited to verbally or physically assaulting on performers and staffs, disturbing the performance, destroying the sets or properties, disobeying the instructions of the staff) will be asked to leave the theatre and may not be readmitted.Under such circumstances, no refunds shall be offered.


11. During the course of the show there may be 1 on 1 interaction with performers. If you feel uncomfortable during these times, please let the performer know to end the interaction.


12. The show is crafted as choose-your-own-adventure. You may watch the performance separately from your companions, and there is no responsibility for theater staffs to find the companions for you, excluding health and safety related situations such as being unwell, moving difficulty, pregnancy.


13. You may leave at any time. Once you leave, you will not be able to re-enter.




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