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A Tribute to the Party's Centenary




Suzhou Ballet Theatre

My Name Is Ding Xiang


演出时间/Time:2021/6/11-13 19:30


Venue: Suzhou Culture and Arts Centre Grand Theatre



Duration: approximately 110 minutes with intermission 20 minutes


Suggested Age: 6 and above




指导单位:中共苏州市委宣传部   Publicity Department of the CPC Suzhou Municipal Committee

苏州工业园区管委会           Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee


Production Company: Suzhou New Era Group

演出单位:苏州芭蕾舞团         Suzhou Ballet Theatre

合作单位:苏州交响乐团         Suzhou Symphony Orchestra



Artistic Consultant: Ruheng Zhao


Literary Consultant: Jianming He

编剧:陈龙   庄一

Playwright: Long Chen   Yi Zhuang


Music: Szymon Brzoska


Artistic Directors: Ying Li / Jiabin Pan

导演组:范雷、钟实              舞美设计:梁子扶              服装设计:张  奇        

Executive Directors: Lei Fan, Shi Zhong         Stage Designer: Zifu Liang                  Costume Designer: Qi Zhang

灯光设计:刘  钊                造型设计:王  嘉              多媒体设计:赵建伟     

Lighting Designer: Zhao Liu                   Style Designer: Jia Wang                   Multimedia designer: Jianwei Zhao


2021年时值中 国共 产党建党100周年,围绕这一重大的时间节点,苏州芭蕾舞团推出首部现实题材作品《我的名字叫丁香》。



苏州芭蕾舞团Suzhou Ballet Theatre

苏州芭蕾舞团是新时代集团旗下的全资子公司,是中国第七个成立、也是江苏省唯 一的专业芭蕾舞团。舞团成立于2007年6月,现任艺术总监李莹、潘家斌;舞团演员均来自北京舞蹈学院、上海戏剧学院以及国内各大芭蕾舞团。苏芭创作的舞剧曾多次入选国家艺术基金、江苏艺术基金等资助项目, 并多次受国家文化和旅游部委派开展国际文化交流活动,演出足迹遍布全球十多个国家和地区。

Suzhou ballet Theatre, a wholly-owned subsidiary of New Era Group, is the seventh professional ballet company in China and the only one in Jiangsu province. The company was established in June 2007 and Artistic Directors are Ying Li and Jiabin Pan. Members come from Beijing Dance Academy, Shanghai Drama Academy and major ballet companies in China.


Several ballet works created by Suzhou Ballet Theatre have been selected into the projects funded by China National Arts Fund and Jiangsu Arts Fund for many times, and have been assigned by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China to have international cultural.


总导演 Director:王亚彬 Yabin Wang

国家一级演员、北京舞蹈学院青年舞团青年演员、亚彬舞影工作室艺术总监。曾荣获中宣部五个一工程优秀舞剧奖、电视剧奖;文化部文华奖新剧目奖;桃李杯、央视舞蹈大赛、全国舞蹈比赛表演一等奖;荷花杯舞剧舞蹈诗比赛评委会特别奖等。创意、出品、主演“亚彬和她的朋友们”品牌系列演出,该系列不同作品被纳入文化部中法建交50周年重点推荐项目、北京市优秀小剧场剧目展演、北京国际戏剧、舞蹈季,其原创舞作赴海外多国进行巡演,受到主要媒体高度关注及各国观众的喜爱。英国国家芭蕾舞团历史上第 一位受邀委约创作的中国编舞,其作品《M-Dao》于2016年4月13日在赛德勒之井剧院世界首演。

Yabin Wang is a renowned contemporary dancer and choreographer from China. She has won numerous gold prizes in Chinese national and regional dance competitions. In 2009 Yabin Wang started her own studio, Yabin Studio and has produced a dance performance every year ever since then under her brand name Yabin & Her Friends. Her dance company produces full-length dance programs and commissions choreographers from the US, Europe and China to create new works of dance. Her extraordinary talent has received praise from critics and artists alike, both as a dancer and as well as a choreographer. She has gained a reputation as the most promising and pioneering choreographers, dancers and producers of new contemporary dance in and outside of China. In 2014, Yabin Wang was commissioned by English National Ballet Artistic Director Tamara Rojo to choreograph a ballet for the triple bill “She Said” in celebration of female choreographers which premiered in 2016 at Sadler’s Wells, London. Yabin Wang choreographed “M-Dao” as part of the triple bill. This production, together with “Akram Khan’s New Giselle”, won the 2017 Laurence Olivier Award for the English National Ballet in Outstanding Achievement in Dance.


剧情简介 Synopsis



1910, Ding Xiang was abandoned by her parents as a baby and then adopted by Nanny Wu. As she grew up, she witnessed many scenes of misery as a result of poverty and oppression. Trying to find a solution to social oppression, Ding Xiang went to Soochow University and met her future husband Yuhong Le. They joined the Chinese Communist Party and began taking part in clandestine activities. Soon after their marriage, Ding Xiang was arrested by The Nationalist Party and was then executed at Yu Hua Tai, leaving Le with endless grief. 18 years later, Le met Zhongman Shi, a girl who had an uncanny resemblance to Ding Xiang. Being moved by Ding Xiang’s story, Shi fell in love with Le and helped him cope with the loss of his beloved Ding Xiang. At the second year of their marriage, their first daughter was born. In memory of Ding Xiang, they named the baby after her. After little Ding Xiang grew up, Le brought his wife and daughter to pay a visit to Ding Xiang’s grave at Yu Hua Tai.


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