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参演艺人:Jay-Jay Johanson



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11月22日 杭州 MAOLivehouse

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11月24日 广州 MAOLivehouse

11月25日 深圳 B10 Live


有的嗓音无师自通,有的旋律也是天赋异禀,而靠岁月沉淀下来的东西,却能拥有最难得的、最惊人的美,撩动人的万千思绪。瑞典传奇音乐人Jay-Jay Johanson带来的就是这样一种笼罩心灵的感觉,让人拥有一种浸入之感,听之撩人心弦。


Jay-Jay Johanson的音乐是飘无的,那嗓音在乐响中纤细地飘移,却总是捕捉不得;他音乐中的情感也是易逝的,闻者难不能多愁善感,在他叙尽沉沦的低吟回语中连连心碎。


Jay-Jay Johanson早期的风格清冷抑郁,近期始迎合舞池。但无论何种音乐风格,都能让听者浸润在他那深沉而低回的嗓音、优雅而充满神秘的旋律,在人心底留下难以忘记的感动。2018年11月起,中国巡演将启,Jay-Jay Johanson将一如既往地保持着他的优雅与个性,为您献上瑞典最动人的深情之曲。

Once voted "the most beautiful man in the world", Swedish singer/songwriter Jay-Jay Johanson, born in Trollhättan, October 11, 1969, started composing already as a teenager, but it wasn't until August 1996 he was to release his first album, "Whiskey". Recorded at Break My Heart Studios, in the Stockholm archipelago. The instant success of this debut album, caractarized by its jazzy vocals over trippy, film noir arrangements, took Jay-Jay out on his first of many world tours. January 2007 he released "The Long Term Physical Effects Are Not Yet Known". Maybe even more seductive and startlingly eclectic than any of his prior work. The album was generally acclaimed as his finest ever, and it spawned great singles in the languorous ballad, "She Doesn't Live Here Anymore" and the mesmerizing "Rocks In Pockets". A "Long Term" tour started off in China and continued to more that 30 cities around the world, with Jay-Jay fronting his quartet.

His songs married subtly catchy melodies to intricate atmospheres. Tension underlies the crisp rhythms and experimental playing, while the distinctive vocals draw out the sentiment in his songwriting. As he prepares to bring this new work to a new world tour, Jay-Jay Johanson continues to confront the personal challenges that have enriched his work for more than a decade. And he continues to follow this path – with patience, perseverance, and beauty.


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