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Hans-Ola Ericsson is one of the exceptional figures on the international music scene, distinguishing himself both as performer and composer. He excels in a wide range of styles, from early to contemporary music, always looking to infuse his playing with historically informed practices. No other organist in the last decade has played as many contemporary work premieres as Ericsson; he has worked closely with John Cage, György Ligeti and Olivier Messiaen to better understand their artistic visions. As a post-avant-garde composer, Hans-Ola Ericsson blends existing sound material with the unheard in his works. This technique can be observed in Ericsson’s organ mass, relating the sounds of Arp Schnitger organs. He was referred to as the prototypical organist of the 21st century, his music displaying a versatility focused on every sound and on its compositional context.

汉斯奥拉 艾瑞森是国际音乐界的杰出人物之一,他既是管风琴演奏家又是作曲家。现任世界名校加拿大麦吉尔大学管风琴系主任,培养出多位世界比赛大奖获得者,并多次担任世界一级赛事评委。他是法国著名作曲家、管风琴家——奥利维亚·梅西安最后一个管风琴学生,继承了大师的演奏与作曲精神。他擅长演奏各种各样的音乐风格,从早期到现代音乐,总是能过通过他的演奏明确各个历史时期的时代风格。在过去的十年里,汉斯是唯一一个演奏过如此多的当代的作品的管风琴演奏家。他与John Cage,GyörgyLigeti和Olivier Messiaen等作曲家密切合作,所以能够更好地理解他们的艺术愿景。作为一个后前卫的作曲家,汉斯 - 奥拉将现有的音响素材与作品中前所未闻的音乐融为一体。这种技术体现在了他的管风琴作品之中,与Arp Schnitger管风琴的声音相关。他被称为二十一世纪的典型的具有代表性的管风琴家,他的音乐表现了一种多功能性,体现在每一个音符及每首作品中。


In 1989, Hans-Ola Ericsson was appointed professor at the Academy of Music in Piteå and at the University of Luleå. In 1996, he was appointed visiting professor at the University of the Arts Bremen and in 2011, professor of organ at the Schulich School of Music at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Today, he is in high demand as a concert organist, a composer, a teacher and a consultant for organ restoration work. He has worked namely to restore an organ dating back to the 17th century sitting in the German Church in Stockholm. His interpretations are well documented on numerous recordings, including the recording of Olivier Messiaen’s complete organ works

1989年,汉斯奥拉被任命为皮特奥音乐学院和吕勒奥大学的教授。 1996年,他被任命为不来梅艺术大学的客座教授,并于2011年成为加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学Schulich音乐学院的教授。 今天,他作为管风琴家,作曲家,教授和管风琴修复工作的顾问,在管风琴界有着很高的地位。 他修缮了可以追溯到17世纪坐落在斯德哥尔摩德国教堂的管风琴。他还录制了很多管风琴作品的唱片,包括录制了奥利维耶·梅西安(Olivier Messiaen)的整套管风琴作品



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