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导赏 :小提琴对于莫扎特来说属于无师自通,在小提琴家的父亲尚未进行任何启蒙的时候,五岁的莫扎特就可以在家里拉三重奏里的第二小提琴了。但在成长的过程中,莫扎特并非对这件乐器情有独钟,也许是对父亲一种本能或者无意识的逆反心理使然。1775年,十九岁的莫扎特用八个月的时间在萨尔茨堡写了此后被编号的五首小提琴协奏曲(又被称为《萨尔茨堡协奏曲》)并自行演奏。一气呵成般的创作动机至今成谜,此后不再写小提琴协奏曲的原因也不得而知,与他去世前一直写了二十七首的钢琴协奏曲相比,贯穿一生的钢琴显然更是莫扎特的偏爱。














Wang Xiaoming's Mozart Series II























2008年组创了斯特拉第瓦里四重奏(Stradivari Quartet) 每年音乐会遍布全球超过50场,是SONY古典音乐签约艺术家,并发行莫扎特全套《普鲁士四重奏》《舒曼四重奏全集》和大碟




















2011年,以专业考入德国柏林音乐学院(Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler"),师从交响乐教授克里斯蒂安·艾华德(Christian Ehwald)及歌剧教授汉斯迪特·鲍姆( Hans-Dieter Baum )。




2013年,作为世界指挥家克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼(Christian Thielemann)的助理指挥,参与萨尔茨堡复活节音乐节歌剧《帕西法尔》的排练及演出。同年,作为指挥家古斯塔夫·库恩(Gustav Kuhn)的助理指挥,参与排练及演出北京音乐节闭幕音乐会——瓦格纳歌剧《帕西法尔》的中国首演。






2017年,应邀担任柏林音乐学院(Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler")指挥系助教。


2018年,签约世界古典音乐经纪公司Askonas Holt;







Daniel Schnyder: Mozart in China (China Premiere)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Violin Concerto No.3 in G major, K.216

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Violin Concerto No.5 in A major, K.219



Wang Xiaoming, violin

Huang Yi, conductor


Wang Xiaoming, violin

First violin of Stradivari Quartet 

Concertmaster of Philharmonia Zurich 

Born in China in 1982, he started playing the violin at the age of four. Whilst still at school, he continued his musical development and education under Prof. Xu Lu at the Central Conservatory in Beijing, where he studied violin performance for ten years. His musical talent was promoted by the «Herbert von Karajan Center» and flourished under the tutelage of Gerhard Schulz from Alban Berg Quartet in Vienna. 

He competed with great success in Beijing in 1998. he won the first prize at the Mi-Do International Violin Competition , in following year he also won the first prize at the Stephanie Hohl violin Competition in Vienna and the special award at the Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition in Augsburg. 

These awards enabled him as soloist with orchestras such as Zurih Phiharmonia, Poznan Phiharmonic, Bergrad Phiharmonic, Vienna Webern symphony, China NCPA orchestra and Guiyang Symphony. Concert tours taken his musical life to Asia , USA, Australia, South America and throughout Europe. He appears regularly as a soloist and chamber musician at major stage all over the word such as Lincoln center in New York , Vienna concert hall, Vienna musikverein ,Wigmore Hall London, Kioi Hall Tokyo, China NCPA, Seoul arts center, Shanghai symphony concert hall and Sydney opera haus. As well as at most important festivals such as Verbier music Festival, Luzern music festival, Rheingau music festival, Schleswig-holstein music festival, Kissinger summer festival, Macau music festival, China NCPA May festival.  

Xiaoming is currently serves as the concertmaster of Zurich Phiharmonia under maestro Fabio Luisi. He has been concertmaster of Verbier festival Orchestra and also appears regularly as guest concertmaster working with Deutsch Radio Philharmonic , Luzern Symphony orchestra, Bern Symphony orchestra , Porto National Symphony orchestra, China NCPA orchestra and Singapore Symphony orchestra. Conductors with whom he has word include maestro Lorin Maazel, Christoph Eschenbach, Zubin Meta, Bernard Haitink, Daniel Gatti, Gustavo Dudamel,Myung-whun Chung and Valery Gergiev.

He has great passion for development of young talent , since 2010 he held International masterclasses in Pila , Poland .As well as Samsung masterclass in Seoul and Central concervatory of music in Beijng. 

Xiaoming Wang plays a 1715 violin by Stradivarius (Aurea) lent to him by the Harbisreutinger Fondation.  


Huang Yi, Conductor

As one of the most stunning Chinese conductors in the world, Mr. Huang Yi

is currently the Principle Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Chief Conductor of National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra and the Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of Kunming Nie’er Symphony Orchestra.


Huang, Yi was born in 1986 into a family of musicians in Beijing. Musical education in his early childhood came from his father Huang, He, a famous music professor, and he later studied at the Central Conservatory with Prof. Yang, Li and Yu, Feng. After graduation with a top-level grades from bachelor study, as a student recommended for admission, Huang, Yi continued his master study in the Central Conservatory of Music. In the year of 2011, and then studied at the Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" Berlin with Prof. Christian Ehwald and Prof. Hans-Dieter Baum.

Outstanding music talents and excellent educational background make Huang Yi a rising star in classic music stage.


Huang Yi’s career starts in 2009 with choosing to be Maestro Seiji Ozawa’s assistant conductor. In the year of 2012, he was recommended by Maestro Long Yu and made his opera debut conducting the China Philharmonic Orchestra at the 15th Beijing Music Festival’s new production Chinese opera “The Savage Land”. In 2013, as the assistant conductor of Maestro Christian Thielemann, Huang Yi participated in rehearsing and conducting “Parsifal” at the Salzburg Easter Festival. In the same year, he assisted Maestro Gustav Kuhn in rehearsing and conducting Parsifal’s Chinese premiere at the 16th Beijing Music Festival. Two years later, Huang Yi conducting Shanghai Symphony Orchestra performed successfully Ping Pang Concerto’s world premiere in MISA’s closing concert.


Huang Yi becomes the assistant conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra since 2015, meanwhile being the teacher of the conducting faculty of China’s central conservatory of Music. In the next year, he became the Artistic director and Chief Conductor of Kunming Nie’er Symphony Orchestra. Then was invited to be the assistant professor of Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler” Berlin. Huang Yi is the resident conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra and the Chief Conductor of National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra since January of 2019.


Besides, Mr. Huang has successfully conducted Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Frankfurt Symphony Orchestra, Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra, New Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa Ongaku-Juku Symphony Orchestra, Busan Philharmonic Orchestra of Korea, China Central Opera House Symphony Orchestra,China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, Guiyang Symphony Orchestra,Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, Shaanxi Philharmonic Orchestra, Fujian Opera and Dance Drama Theater Symphony Orchestra, China Youth Symphony Orchestra, Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra,China Juvenile Symphony Orchestra, China Film Symphony Orchestra, etc. And collaborated with Yuqiang Dai, Changyong Liao, Song Wei, Warren Mok, Liping Zhang, Chenye Yuan, Ning Liang, Jianyi Zhang, Shen Yang, Chuanyue Wang,Yuanming Song,etc. Soloist Augustin Dumay, Alison Balsom, Andreas Ottensamer, Ning Feng, Siqing Lv, Liwei Qin,Haochen Zhang, Mengla Huang,Wei Wen, ZhiJong Wang and Xuefei Yang.


Askonas Holt is Huang Yi’s global management.

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