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幻想钢琴组曲选自电影《星球大战》 约翰·威廉姆斯

Fantasy Suite for Piano from" Star Wars " John Williams


C小调帕蒂塔 第2号,作品BWV 826,序曲 巴赫

Partita No.2 in C minor, BWV 826: I. Sinfonia Johann Sebastian Bach


阿甘正传组曲 电影《阿甘正传》配乐 亚伦·史维斯查

Forrest Gump Suite "Forrest Gump"(1994) Alan Silvestri


A大调钢琴奏鸣曲第 11号选段,作品KV331 莫扎特

Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major KV 331 Wolfgang A. Mozart


米娅与塞巴斯蒂安主题 选自《爱乐之城》 贾斯汀·赫尔维茨

Mia & Sebastian's Theme from" La La Land" Justin Hurwitz


A大调间奏曲第2号,作品118号 勃拉姆斯

Intermezzo in A major No. 2, Op. 118 Johannes Brahms


主题曲 选自《权利的游戏》 拉民·贾瓦迪

Main Title from "Game of Thrones" Ramin Djawadi


D小调第十七钢琴奏鸣曲"暴风雨",作品31号之2,终曲 贝多芬

Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor Op.31, No. 2(Tempest) Finale Ludwig van Beethoven


艾米莉的异世界 选自电影《天使爱美丽》 扬·提尔森

La Valse d`Amèlie from "Amèlie" Yann Tiersen


《月光》 德彪西

Clair de Lune Claude Debussy


《他是一个海盗》 电影《加勒比海盗》配乐 克劳斯·巴德尔特&汉斯·季默

He's a Pirate from "Pirates of the Caribbean" K. Badelt& H. Zimmer


升F小调波兰舞曲,作品44号 肖邦

Polonaise in F sharp minor OP. 44 Frédéric Chopin





在梦中 选自电影《指环王》 霍华德·肖

In Dreams from "The Lord of the Rings" Howard Shore


降G大调即兴曲第3号,作品899号 舒伯特

Impromptu No. 3 in G flat major D.899 Franz Schubert


海德薇主题选自电影《哈利波特》 约翰·威廉姆斯

Hedwig's Theme from "Harry Potter" John Williams


《野蜂飞舞》 里姆斯基-科萨柯夫

Flight of the Bumblebee Nicolai. A. Rimsky-Korsakow


心灵渴望欢乐选自电影《钢琴课》 迈克尔·尼曼

The Heart asks Pleasure First from "The Piano" Michael Nyman


升C小调幻想即兴曲,作品66号 肖邦

Fantasie Impromptu in C sharp minor. Op. 66 Frédéric Chopin


我心永恒 选自电影《泰坦尼克号》 詹姆斯·霍纳

My Heart will Go On from "Titanic" James Horner


爱之梦,降A大调第3号,作品S.541 李斯特

Love Dream No.3 in A flat major, S. 541 Franz Liszt


 选自电影《星际穿越》 汉斯·季默

First Step from "Intersteller" Hans Zimmer


升C小调前奏曲第2号,作品3号 拉赫玛尼诺夫

Prelude in C shapr minor, Op.3 No.2 Sergei Rachmaninov


主题曲 选自电影《侏罗纪公园》 约翰·威廉姆斯

Main Theme from "Jurassic Park" John Williams


《基辅的大门》 选自《图画展览会》 穆索尔斯基

The Great Gate of Kiev from Pictures at an Exhibition Modest Mussorgsky



Russian-Israeli pianist Elena Gurevich came into the focus of the music world's attention with her unique idea of combining classic works for piano with contemporary movie scores. Her approach was to show the contrast as well as the analogies between these two different genres.


爱莲娜生长在俄罗斯柯尼斯堡。作为指挥家的女儿,她受到家庭良好的音乐熏陶,先后在圣彼得堡、耶路撒冷和德国卡尔斯鲁厄求学。在耶路撒冷鲁宾音乐学院期间,她曾获得钢琴比赛,并在以色列广播协会Kol Hamusica钢琴比赛中入围决赛。精湛的琴艺为她赢得美国以色列文化基金会凯伦·查布卡奖和德国交换项目奖学金。

Elena Gurevich has performed throughout Europe including the Prinzregententheater and Gasteig in Munich, the Festspielhaus in Baden-Baden and the Facioli Concert Hall in Sacile, Italy. In addition to solo recitals, she is sought after as concert pianist and accompanist with accomplished Orchestras as the Badische Staatskapelle and the Munich Symphonics under the artistic direction of Carlos Dominquos Nieto. In 2006 she presented Sergej Rachmaninoff's Concert for Piano in F-sharp Minor with the Kaliningrad Symphonic Orchestra under the direction of Arkadij Feldmann.



Her giftedness and her international reputation made her a regular solo pianist at renowned festivals like e.g. the Festival van Vlaanderen in Bruges, Belgium, the H?ndel Festival in Karlsruhe and the Festival Israel in Jerusalem. In 2012 she was Artist in Residence at the Pfingst Festival in Schloss Ettersberg Weimar.



Her giftedness and her international reputation made her a regular solo pianist at renowned festivals like e.g. the Festival van Vlaanderen in Bruges, Belgium, the H?ndel Festival in Karlsruhe and the Festival Israel in Jerusalem. In 2012 she was Artist in Residence at the Pfingst Festival in Schloss Ettersberg Weimar.



The German newspaper "The Süddeutsche Zeitung" praised Elena for her "brilliant and yet sensitive play" as well as her outstanding talent "for telling musical narratives that capture the audience's attention".



Her first solo album with piano works of Bach, Schubert, Rachmaninoff and Scriabin was released in 2013 (Bayer Records). She also has recorded an album with works of Byrd, Scarlatti and C. Ph. E. Bach on original historical instruments.



Elena Gurevich lives in Munich and is currently teaching piano at the Munich Academy for Music and Theatre (Hochschule für Musik und Theater München).



Elena Gurevich is Steinway Artist.

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