




展览:机械生活 Mechanical Life



上海艺术馆很荣幸地宣布,将于2021年9月4日至2021年10月9日举办俄罗斯艺术家迈克尔·乌齐科夫Michael Ouzikov个展“机械生活 Mechanical Life”,展览汇集了Michael30多件蒸汽朋克机械动物手稿。机械动物形象出现在Michael的众多作品中,他将肉体和小配件、工具、建筑和奇怪的机械装置糅杂在一起,充满了真正的乐趣和严肃的讽喻。


Michael作品的神奇之处在于将个人解读变成整体体验。每幅作品都有多元视角。观赏者在浏览画作时,仿佛是在聆听一场音乐会,观看一部电影,抑或是欣赏一出戏剧,通过解读一系列的象征和寓意形成自己版本的体验和故事。他的画作淋漓尽致的展现了日常冲突,并为之蒙上了一层神话色彩。他的画作主题是在人与人/物的接触中探求人类的境况和渴望。画作的叙述丰富且浓重,体现了人类试图相互理解的处境。 能将平常无奇的事件描绘出宏大的史诗感,并赋予丰富的象征意义。他突破时间的限制,将具有普世意义的故事情节展现于画布之上。

We are very pleased to announce that the opening of Michael Ouzikov's solo exhibition, Mechanical Life, from September 4 to October 9, 2021. The exhibition brings together more than 30 of Michael's steampunk Mechanical animal manuscripts.

Michael Ouzikov’s search for “life and fleeting colour” has brought him to Russia, England, Holland, Germany, Canada and now China. Wherever he goes, this sensual romantic endeavors to expose the secret truths that lie just beneath the surface of love, and passion. Strong, vibrant forces are hidden in Michael Ouzikov’s dense, almost material paintings. Almost incomprehensible, his art recreates, the world’s complicated nerves of life; reflecting the dualism of man and nature. He combines opposites with every stroke; from perfection he moves to incompleteness, from tension he discovers satire, from passion comes reality, then fantasy. With one stroke, life transforms.In each and every work, whether it is landscape, a setting from biblical history, or a mythological story, Ouzikov leaves viewers within their own space, to let their minds play.

His art is inclusive, fully realized through the collective and individual imagination, simultaneously. Everyone is free to discover, on their personal terms, the world of Michael Ouzikov. The power of Michael’s works lies in how each single interpretation becomes the whole experience. Not one of his works imposes a single point of view.  Much like a concert, a film, an opera - he leaves it to the viewer to decipher a set of symbols and allegories to form their sense of the experience, of the story. Paintings such as “Corrida”, “Gladiators”, and “Abduction of Europe”, are filled with the height of every day tension imbued with mythical over-tone. His subjects’ rummage the human condition and aspire for human contact. The narratives are rich and dense with the forces of the human condition striving to understand one another.Ouzikov’s work lies in its ability to transform ordinary events into epics, filled with symbolic meaning.  His stories are universal plots framed on canvas and set to a timeless score.


迈克尔·乌齐科夫 Michael Ouzikov

Michael Ouzikov是一位艺术家,建筑师,设计师,作家,出生于俄罗斯的乌法市,现在工作居住的中国上海。1990年毕业于叶卡捷琳堡的艺术和建筑大学,并获得艺术和建筑的硕士学位。英国伦敦欧洲创意协会的成员。

在过去几十年中,他在世界各地的美术馆里展出自己的作品,包括加拿大多伦多、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、桑特波尔特、艾瑟尔默伊登和海牙;比利时布鲁日;德国不来梅、海德堡和法兰克福;英国伦敦和利物浦。在美国,他曾在蒙特克莱、威斯康星、西雅图、华盛顿和佛罗里达州那不勒斯举办展览,而最近他则是在现在居住的中国上海举行展览。Michael Ouzikov的作品在以下美术馆永 久展出,包括美国佛罗里达州的那不勒斯的艺术博物馆(RAMA)、叶卡捷琳堡的国立艺术博物馆、伊尔比特的国立艺术博物馆、叶卡捷琳堡的阿苏战争历史博物馆、叶卡捷琳堡的艺术和建筑博物馆以及中国上海和重庆的Sincere艺术博物馆。

Michael Ouzikov is an artist, architect, designer, writer, author. He was born in Ufa, Russia, graduated from the Yekaterinburg Art and Architectural University in 1990, with a Master’s Degree in Art and Architecture. Michael is a member of the European Creative Guild, London, UK.

Over the past dozen years, Michael Ouzikov has exhibited his works in galleries in Toronto Canada, Amsterdam, Santpoort, Ijsselmuiden, and The Hague, Netherlands; in Bruges, Belgium; in Bremen, Heidelberg and Frankfurt, Germany; in London and Liverpool, England, in the United States, he has had exhibitions in Montclair, Wisconsin, Seattle, Washington, as well as in Naples, Florida and, most recently, in Shanghai, China, where he now resides. Michael Ouzikov has works on permanent display at the Museum of Art (RAMA), Naples, Florida, USA, National Museum of Art in Ekaterinburg, National Museum of Art in Irbit, History Museum of War “Shuravi” in Ekaterinburg, and Museum of Art and Architecture in Ekaterinburg as well as in Sincere Art Museum of Shanghai and Chongqing, China.


中国翡翠艺术展是具备相当规模,且品类齐全的翡翠艺术展览。展馆由翡翠大厅、珍宝屋、老子厅、科普长廊、原石厅、天宝商城等几大部分组成。展览以专业的翡翠学术分类为基础,以翡翠实物为载体,以翡翠类别、工艺、寓意与制作 年代为导引,以玉雕作品、饰品为题材,以丰富的翡翠原石为标本,集千万年天地之灵气, 汇集翡翠世界之精华,展示了独特的中国翡翠文化。馆内珍品云集,数吨重的单体翡翠随处可见,数百件藏品目不暇接、交相辉映,让您感受一个梦幻般的翡翠世界。

展品以展馆收藏与私人收藏为基础,兼及一些翡翠机构与藏家的珍品陈列。自开展以来不断丰富馆藏,优化陈列环境,细分翡翠门类,科普惠及 大众并取得了良好的社会反响。

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