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Violin:Lu Siqing


吕思清作为当今*具影响力的杰出中国小提琴家,每年频繁的受邀与国内外知名乐团合作演出及举办独奏音乐会,并定期带领他于2011年创办的"美杰中国三重奏"举行室内乐音乐会。他那美妙动听、激动人心的琴声早已遍布世界四十多个国家和地区的著 名演出场所,如维也纳金色大厅、美国纽约林肯艺术中心、洛杉矶好来坞碗型剧场等。


吕思清经常受邀参加世界各地顶 尖艺术节及音乐节的演出活动,并应邀担任北京国家大剧院"五月音乐节"艺术总监,耶胡迪·梅纽因国际青少年小提琴比赛及上海伊萨克斯特恩国际比赛评委。2016年秋,吕思清在中国深圳创办了首届"吕思清·深圳福田国际弦乐艺术周"并任艺术总监。


吕思清与包括飞利浦(Philips)、拿索斯(Naxos)、马可波罗(Marco Polo)及BIS在内的世界知名唱片公司合作出版过20多张个人专辑。他还曾录制过五版《梁祝》小提琴协奏曲,其发行量数以百万,并被喻为当今*佳版本。吕思清*新录制的唱片是与墨尔本交响乐团合作的"小提琴之美-吕思清协奏曲专辑",于2018年3月由澳大利亚*大的唱片公司ABC Classics在全球出版发行。




吕思清1969年出生于中国青岛。他四岁开始学习小提琴,八岁被中央音乐学院附小破格录取,师从王振山教授,成为这所著 名学府有史以来*为年轻的学生,11岁被世界著 名小提琴家耶胡迪·梅纽因选到英国他创办的天才音乐学校学习。1984年回国继续深造。19岁赴纽约朱丽亚音乐学院深造,师从世界著 名小提琴教育家德罗希·迪蕾女士及姜孝先生。


吕思清经常使用耶稣·瓜奈利1734年制作的名为"里奇"的小提琴(ex-Ricci Guarneri del Gesu violin),这把瓜奈利名琴是由吕思清的好友,音乐爱好者/艺术收藏家/企业家Z先生慷慨提供的。


One of the most prominent and influential Chinese violinists today, Siqing Lu (pronounced See-Ching Lyu) performs regularly with major international and Chinese orchestras, in recitals and with the China Trio which he founded in 2011. As the first Asian violinist to win the prestigious International Paganini Violin Competition, Siqing has performed to acclaim in many of the world's most prestigious concert halls in more than forty countries and territories worldwide, including the Musikverein in Vienna, Avery Fisher Hall and Alice Tully Hall in New York City, Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles...


Siqing appears regularly at many of the top music festivals and prestigious music events around the world. He is the Artistic Director of the National Centre for the Performing Arts May Festival in Beijing, and is on the Jury of several prestigious international competitions such as the Menuhin Competition and the Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition. In fall of 2016, he founded the Siqing Lu Shenzhen Futian International String Festival, of which he is the Artistic Director.


Siqing Lu has released more than 20 CDs and video recordings for Philips, Naxos, Marco Polo, and BIS. His five recordings of the "Butterfly Lovers" violin concerto, the most famous work among the Chinese violin repertoire, has sold millions of copies worldwide. His interpretation of this piece is widely considered the best and he has thrilled audiences in more than twenty countries worldwide performing this violin concerto. His latest recording of the Mendelssohn and Bruch violin concertos as well as Tan Dun's violin concerto Out of Beijing Opera with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra was released worldwide by ABC Classics, Australia's largest and most influential record company, to acclaim in March 2018.


Over the past decades, Siqing Lu has received numerous honors worldwide for his outstanding artistic achievement and social contributions, including Honorary Certificate from the United States House of Representatives, New Jersey Outstanding Achievement in Arts Award for Asian, California Senate Honorary Certificate, Honorary Certificate from the California Executive Committee of the House on multiple occasions, the Montblanc Outstanding Artist Award, China Youth Magazine's "The 100 Most Influential Young People of the 21st Century in China" award. On September 16th of 2006, the City of Millbrae, California passed a legislation to have the date proclaimed as "Siqing Lu Day" in honor of Siqing's achievements.


Siqing Lu was born in 1969 in Qingdao, China. He began to study violin at the age of four. As an eight-year-old child, he became the youngest student ever to be admitted by the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing as a special talented student and studied with Prof. Zhenshan Wang. At the age of eleven, the late Lord Yehudi Menuhin chose Siqing to study at his school in London. In 1984, he returned to China for advanced studies at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Five years later, he went to the Juilliard School and studied with Dorothy DeLay and Hyo Kang.


Siqing Lu plays regularly on a 1734 ex-Ricci Guarneri del Gesu violin, which is graciously loaned to him by his close friend Mr. J Zhou, a passionate music lover, collector and successful entrepreneur.



德沃夏克:G大调小提琴小奏鸣曲,作品100 号

Dvorak: Sonatina in G major, Op.100

1. 果断有力的快板

Allegro risoluto

2. 小广板


3. 谐谑曲(非常活泼地)

Scherzo (Molto vivace)

4. 终曲(快板)

Finale (Allegro)


Paganini: Cantabile


Brahms: Scherzo in C minor


Svendsen: Romance Op.26

维尼亚夫斯基:D 大调波兰舞曲

Wieniawski: Polonaise in D Major, Op.4






He Zhanhao, Chen Gang: "Butterfly Lovers" Violin Concerto


Chen Gang:Sunshine in Tashikuergan


*曲目及顺序以现场为准 Program is subject to change


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