


Dania Tchalik & Tchalik Quartet, France




Dania Tchalik, piano


Gabriel Tchalik, Violin


Louise Tchalik, Violin


Sarah Tchalik, Viola


Marc Tchalik, Cello






 "Four brothers and sisters, excited by the homogeneity of the sound, the control of the breathing, the humility and the honesty towards the music, (...) in an airy, electrifying and powerfully poetic vision of the Quatuor No.3 from Schumann. "

——Diapason Magazine


——《金音叉杂志》(Diapason Magazine)






Born in Russia in 1978, Dania Tchalik began his studies at the prestigious Stolyarsky School of Music in Odessa before coming to France with his family. There, he entered the Paris Conservatoire where he brilliantly passed five Premier Prix in Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue and Forms, Ancient Polyphony and Musical Aesthetics. At the same time, he received advice from the pianists Rena Shereshevskaya and Valery Sigalevitch and ran studies in history of art in the École du Louvre.



Besides teaching Harmony and Counterpoint at the Strasbourg Conservatory, Dania Tchalik follows an instrumental carrier as a pianist. He took part in several festivals, two of which were the Dinard Festival and the “Moscow meets friends” directed by Vladimir Spivakov. He also records CDs : “La Folia” with the violinist Anastasia Khitruk (Suoni e Colori), the complete works for violin and piano by Boris Tishchenko (world premiere) with Gabriel Tchalik (Evidence Classics), Europe 1920 (four sonatas for violin and piano in Europe around 1920) (Evidence Classics).

戴尼亚·查理克除了在斯特拉斯堡音乐学院任教之外,作为钢琴家活跃在世界各地的舞台上。他曾获邀参加众多音乐节,包括:分别是迪纳尔音乐节和由弗拉基米尔·斯皮瓦科夫举办的“Moscow meets friends”音乐节等。 他还发行了多张唱片,如:与小提琴演奏家阿纳斯塔西娅.希特鲁克(Anastasia Khitruk)录制了《福利亚舞曲》,与他的弟弟加布里埃尔·查理克录制并由Evidence Classics厂牌发行了鲍里斯·季先科小提琴和钢琴二重奏作品(世界首演),Evidence Classics厂牌发行了“欧洲1920”唱片(1920年左右4首欧洲小提琴和钢琴二重奏作品)。


He studied orchestration with the French composers Guillaume Connesson and Thierry Escaich. His orchestration of several Debussy’s Préludes has been selected for being played by the Orchestre National de Lyon.



The Tchalik Quartet has the peculiarity of being composed of four brothers and sisters. Born into a family with Russian origins and where music holds a central place, they have played together from a very early age. This immersion in chamber music has enabled them to develop a closeness and natural harmony and sensitivity which are apparent in their music.



The above qualities have been recognised at the very first international competition in which they have taken part. In February 2018, the Tchalik Quartet brilliantly came away with 1st Prize and a Special Prize for the best interpretation of a Mozart quartet at the International Mozart Competition 2018 in Salzburg.

他们首次参加国际比赛中就获得了业界的一致认可。2018年2月,在萨尔茨堡莫扎特国际音乐比赛上, 查理克四重奏荣获莫扎特四重奏一等奖和莫扎特演绎特别奖。


The Quartet has studied with such internationally renowned musicians as Jan Talich and Vladimír Bukac (Talich Quartet), Yovan Markovich (Quatuor Ysaye and Quatuor Danel), and Johannes Meissl (Artis Quartett). In 2016, they were admitted into the class of Günter Pichler (first violin and founder of the Alban Berg Quartet) at the Escuela Superior de Mùsica Reina Sofia in Madrid. Thanks to these prestigious musicians who represent the different European musical traditions at their highest level, the Tchalik Quartet has developed a fine repertoire of classical and romantic music.

查里克兄妹分别师从于小提琴亚历山大·布拉西洛夫斯基(Alexandre Brussilovsky)、塔里赫四重奏的扬·塔里赫(Jan Talich)和弗拉基米尔·布拉奇(Vladimír Bukač)、大提琴演奏家尤文·玛赫寇维奇(Yovan Markovich) 、阿蒂斯弦乐四重奏小提琴约翰内斯·迈塞(Johannes Meissl)和阿班贝尔格四重奏的创始人和第一小提琴根特·毕希勒(Günter Pichler)等。得益于这些代表着欧洲不同的音乐传统的水平的音乐家的指导下, 查理克四重奏拥有了一套由古典到浪漫时期的曲目库。 


They are also enthusiastic players of the contemporary repertoire. They have worked with composers like Boris Tishchenko, one of Shostakovich’s preferred pupils, and Thierry Escaich, whose chamber music works the four siblings are planing to record for their first CD.

他们对当代曲目的演绎和探索也充满了热情,。他们曾与作曲家鲍里斯·季先科—— 肖斯塔科维奇的最得意的门生之一,以及作曲家蒂埃里·艾斯卡西

合作, 四兄妹是他们室内乐作品唱片的录制演绎者。 


The Quartet has played in prestigious venues in France, their home country, including the Orangerie de Sceaux, the Reims Opera (for the opening concert of the MPSZ season) and the Musée de l’Orangerie de Paris. Internationally it was invited to the Haydn Festival of the Esterhazy Castle in Hungary, at the Mendelssohn House in Leipzig and the Mozarteum in Salzbourg. The Quartet also plays regularly in Belgium, Spain, Italy and Russia and is often invited to perform for radio programms like France Musique or RTBF in Belgium.

查理克四重奏曾在法国众多知名剧院和音乐厅演出, 包括橘园剧院、 兰斯歌剧院(MPSZ季的开幕音乐会)和巴黎橘园博物馆。在国际上, 他们被邀请参加了匈牙利爱斯特哈泽宫海顿音乐节、莱比锡门德尔松故居和萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐大学。他们也常获邀前往比利时、西班牙、意大利和俄罗斯等地演出, 并经常受邀为法国音乐电台和比利时法语区电台等电台节目中演出。 


The young musicians also received the Chamber Music Award at the International Summer Academy of Vienna University (ISA) and the Award of the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi 2017 in Siena. They are laureate of the Tremplin de la Philharmonie de Paris, and are supported by the Safran Foundation. By the end of 2017, the Quartet had become designated residents of ProQuartet and was selected by Simone Gramaglia (Quartetto di Cremona) to take part in the Le Dimore del Quartetto project in Italy.

这些年轻的音乐家还获得了维也纳音乐大学国际夏季学院(ISA)的室内乐奖和2017年锡耶纳银行基金会奖。他们获得了巴黎爱乐乐团,春季艺术家计划的首奖, 并得到萨夫兰基金会的赞助。2017年底, 他们成为了ProQuartet的驻馆音乐家, 并在西蒙尼•格拉玛利亚(Simone Gramaglia)的邀请下入选了意大利的Le Dimore del四重奏项目。 


The instruments played by the members of the Quartet are exclusively made for them by violin maker Philippe Mitéran and bow-maker Konstantin Cheptitski.



The Tchaliks regularly play as a quintet with their pianist brother, Dania Tchalik.



法国查理克钢琴五重奏2019 巡演曲目

Tchalik Quintet 2019 China Tour



回旋曲为钢琴五重奏而作-13 分钟 蒂埃里·艾斯卡希

La Ronde for piano quintet (13 min) Thierry Escaich


升F 小调钢琴五重奏- 28 分钟 雷纳尔多·哈恩

Piano Quintet in F sharp minor (28 min) Reynaldo Hahn





E 小调第一弦乐四重奏,作品112 号-32 分钟 卡米尔·圣-桑

String Quartet No.1 in E minor, Op.112 (32 min) Camille Saint-Saëns


* 本套曲目共约90 分钟/ca.90m duration,包括15 分钟中场休息

* 以当日演出曲目为准/ Program subject to change


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