


Nearby and Faraway

Duration: November12, ,2022–March12, 2023

策展人:李涵 金秋野
Curators: LI Han,Jin Qiuye

艺术家:犬吠工作室 乔小刀 陈维 陆庆屹 罗宇杰 胡向前 黄河山 温凌
Artists: Atelier Bow-Wow, Qiao Xiaodao, Chen Wei, Lu Qingyi, Luo Yujie, Hu Xiangqian, Huang
Heshan, Wen Ling
Specially Invite: JUANZONG BOOKS

Organizer: WindHArtCenter

Add: North Gate 1,751Art Unit, Jiuxianqiao North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


The nearby and the faraway represent the two poles of life.

The nearby presents the neighborhood and daily life, which remains plain day after day. It is personal, micro, and concrete. The faraway refers to big events and hot topics, which can be intriguing and complex, as well as overarching, macro, and abstract.

现代人不可避免地生活在身边与世界的两极之中。一方面,互联网让我们更容易接触到世界的宏大丰富,感觉全球的热闹与我息息相关,于是日常生活被唾弃在一边,无关痛痒;另一方面,在真实的世界里,除了大人物和明星, 个体的思考和行为基本被忽略。在被互联网推向精彩的“世界”的同时,反而更加感到自己被世界抛弃,封装在庸庸碌碌的日常生活中。这造成了现代人普遍的无力和焦虑,生活与工作失去了目标和方向。
Modern people are inevitably at either of the two poles—the nearby and the faraway. On the one hand, the Internet gives us access to the world's magnificent richness, connecting us to the global hustle and bustle, so much so that our daily life is cast to an irrelevant side. On the other hand, in the real world, except for big figures and celebrities, individual thoughts and behaviors are basically ignored. In a word, while being pushed into the exciting virtual "world", we feel more abandoned by the world and encapsulated in the mediocrity of daily life. It has led to general powerlessness and anxiety among modern people, who lose their goals and directions in work and life.

In particular, the epidemic-related slowdown and isolation has accentuated the dichotomy between the nearby and the faraway. The expectation to “go out and see” is endlessly postponed, as fragmented, unverified, and emotional information from the outside world is flooding in. People seem to be trapped in their familiar and tasteless nearby, losing touch with the faraway places and the world.

We believe that rediscovering the nearby and everyday life becomes a way out of the dilemma. The generalized macrocosm is meaningless for the individual. We need to start from individual experience and gradually build up a world that is closely related to ourselves. By doing so, we hope to break the dichotomy of the nearby and the faraway and believe there are countless [nearby worlds] that serve as intermediaries between the concrete and the abstract, the individual and the collective, the micro and the macro.

At the same time, we need to be alert to the egoism, closedness and narrow-mindedness that such an approach brings and not reduce the nearby individual to the homogeneous. This exhibition is devoted to exploring the “nearby” as a path leading to a middling world that belongs to oneself and to the wider community. In this middling world, individuals and the world can establish a truly relevant, resonant, and self-contained relationship.

With this exhibition, we have invited eight artists of different backgrounds to explore the relationship between the nearby and the faraway, around four pathways of construction, performance, landscape, and narrative, to present a rich and diverse nearby world. In each pathway, two artists form an analogous relationship through their works, thus presenting the similar and the different, the inevitable and the possible. We hope to explore a method that is applicable to all. Meanwhile, we hope that a method or pathway can produce different thoughts and diverse results, rather than a standard product.

In this way, the nearby becomes the cornerstone of the world.
—— 李涵 / 金秋野
— Li Han / Jin Qiuye




绘造社主持人,国家一级注册建筑师。毕业于中央美术学院和皇家墨尔本理工大学。其作品曾参加第4届芝加哥建筑双年展、第16届威尼斯建筑双年展中国馆和日本馆主题展、第7届深港城市/建筑双城双年展等展览;并被纽约现代艺术博物馆、旧金山现代艺术博物馆、芝加哥艺术博物馆、悉尼白兔美术馆、澳门艺术博物馆、深圳坪山美术馆、及北京山中天艺术中心收藏。著有《一点儿北京》、《一点儿北京·大栅栏》、《The Joy of Architectural Drawing》、《胡同蘑菇》和《楼房花朵》。译有《新兴建构图集》。





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