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“天桥﹒华人春天艺术节” “庆祝香港回归20周年系列演出”
香港舞蹈团 舞剧《倩女·幽魂》
电影经典再现舞台 缱绻一生的真爱回忆




Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) brings its triple award-winning dance drama L’Amour Immortel to Beijing this July. The proud recipient of Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer, Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer and Outstanding Set Design at the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2016, L’Amour Immortel is directed by HKDC Artistic Director Yang Yuntao. The story chronicles the star-crossed encounter between a beautiful, bewitching ghost and a good-natured scholar. The lovers must traverse the shadowy underworld to defend their love and freedom. How far will they go to defy the evil forces? Gripping and poignant, L’Amour Immortel celebrates the beauty of love and humanity. Based on a time-honoured story that has inspired countless film adaptations, this new interpretation in dance is sure to thrill audiences.




香港舞蹈团经常到海外及内地演出,以促进文化交流,曾涉足十多个国家及地区。近年获邀参加「相约北京 – 2008奥运文化活动」、2009年香港「东亚运动会开幕礼」、2010年「第九届中国艺术节」及「上海世博会」等作大型演出。2013年1月,舞团赴加拿大多伦多索尼演艺中心和美国华盛顿肯尼迪艺术中心演出《清明上河图》;2013年9月赴北京国家大剧院以及12月赴台北新舞台「香港周2013」演出《兰亭‧祭侄》;2015年3月赴美国纽约林肯表演艺术中心、9月赴澳洲悉尼演出《花木兰》;2016年4月于韩国首尔的「韩国舞蹈祭典」演出《梁祝‧传说》;2017年4月15日赴伦敦演出《花木兰》;7月份分别于北京天桥艺术中心及广州大剧院演出《倩女‧幽魂》。


Established in 1981 with the aim of promoting Chinese dance, the Hong Kong Dance Company was incorporated in 2001 as a charitable and non-profit-making institution, and is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


Since its inception, the Hong Kong Dance Company has staged over 100 productions, many of which were highly popular with critical acclaim. Recent productions include Qingming Riverside, Snow Fox, Two Swallows – Ode to Wu Guanzhong, Spring Ritual‧Eulogy, Pop Classics: Joseph Koo's Dance Melodies 2013, The Legend of Mulan, The Butterfly Lovers, Storm Clouds, Reveries of the Red Chamber, Chinese Hero: A Lone Exile and Kaleidoscope of Dance from Yunnan.


The Company has toured internationally as well as around Mainland China as a way to encourage cultural exchange. The Company was invited to perform at the “Meet in Beijing 2008” Arts Festival to celebrate the Beijing Olympics, and took part in the opening ceremony of the East Asian Games in 2009. In 2010, the Company participated in “The Ninth China Art Festival” in Guangzhou and the World Expo in Shanghai. In January 2013, the Hong Kong Dance Company presented Qingming Riverside at The Sony Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto and The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Spring Ritual‧Eulogy was presented at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing in September 2013, and the Novel Hall for Performing Arts in Taipei in December 2013 as part of Hong Kong Week 2013. The Butterfly Lovers was showcased at the Korea Dance Festival in April 2016. The Legend of Mulan was presented at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York in March 2015, in Sydney in September 2015, and in London in April 2017. The three-time Hong Kong Dance Awards winner L’Amour Immortel will be presented at the Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center and Guangzhou Opera House in July 2017 respectively.



── 王雯霓《橙新闻》


Without glamorous and complicated stage sets and costumes, L’Amour Immortel is a production celebrating purity and simplicity. Minimal lighting and smoke effects engendered a poetic result akin to ink painting.
── Orange News


── 闻一浩《信报》


No matter in movement or dramatic pacing or the unfolding of expression, L’Amour Immortel is the best exemplar among recent works produced in Hong Kong. The pas de deux was outstanding. The four scenes depicted Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian’s first encounter, falling in love, laying their hearts bare and bidding farewell. The choreography was entrancing, capturing four different scenes as emotions delve deeper and deeper.
── Daisy Chu, Hong Kong Economic Journal


── 洛枫《Art Plus》


Every moment of the life-and-death struggle between man and monster tugs at the heartstrings. The stage is filled with palpable tension!
── Lok Fung, Art Plus


L’Amour Immortel meets the challenge of supernatural scenes superbly, producing some genuinely scary moments.
── Natasha Rogai, South China Morning Post


── Natasha Rogai,《南华早报》

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