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尚·弗朗索瓦·艾塞 指挥 | Jean-Francois Heisser Conductor

顾劼亭 钢琴 | Jieting Gu Piano


普朗克 D小调双钢琴协奏曲

拉威尔 D大调左手钢琴协奏曲

法朗克 D小调交响曲

POULENC Concerto for Two Pianos

RAVEL Piano Concerto for the Left Hand

FRANCK Symphony in D minor


尚·弗朗索瓦·艾塞 | 指挥/钢琴




Jean-Francois Heisser | Conductor/Piano


Pianist, conductor and teacher Jean-Francois Heisser serves as the music director of the Poitou-Charentes Orchestra, firmly establishing the orchestra as one of the finest French chamber ensembles. He was professor at the Paris Conservatory of Music from 1991 to 2016. As a soloist, he has performed with the London Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre de Paris, Orchestre National de France, under the baton of renowned conductors such as Mehta, Janowski, Tilson-Thomas, Segerstam, Krivine, Plasson, Roth, among others. His highly acclaimed recording of Paul Dukas’ piano works was awarded the Diapason D’Or Prize.





顾劼亭 | 钢琴


顾劼亭,钢琴家、舞台导演,巴黎国立高等音乐学院首位华人钢琴硕士,钢琴和室内乐最高演奏家文凭获得者。2岁半学习钢琴,18 岁时获全额奖学金赴法深造。2013 年受邀回国,成为上海东方交响乐团特邀驻团独奏钢琴家。2014 年起,顾劼亭发起新剧场形态“戏剧 x 音乐事件”并正式作为舞台导演进行创作。演奏足迹遍布世界,被誉为“才华横溢的新一代中国钢琴家”。2017年被现代传播集团授予“国家精神造就者”殊荣,荣登当年12月《生活》月刊限量版封面人物,并被上海市政府授予顾劼亭“上海市拔尖人才”奖项。


Fetured on the cover in the December issue of LIFE MONTHLY

Recipient of the “Outstanding Talents of Shanghai” Award


Jieting Gu | Piano


Hailed as “a new-generation Chinese artist with remarkable performing talent and creative production”, Jieting Gu is the first Chinese pianist to graduate from Conservatoire National Supérieur de la Music de Paris with a master’s degree in piano, and an advance diploma in piano and chamber music. In 2013, Gu was invited to become the resident pianist in Shanghai Oriental Symphony Orchestra. In 2014, Gu made her debut as a theatrical director, and created a new “performance art” fusing the traditional Kunqu opera and classical piano recital. She was awarded the “National Spirit Achievers Award” by the Modern Media Group, the recipient of the “Outstanding Talents of Shanghai”, and featured on the cover in the December issue of LIFE MONTHLY.

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