



JURGA,是一名受欢迎、具原创力和创造力的立陶宛流行歌手,她的歌曲深受着歌迷和评论家们的喜爱——深沉、悠扬、鼓舞人心又十分敏感。Jurga曾经在很多乐队中都担任人声的部分,表现非常出色。2005年,在她发行首张个人专辑Aukso Pieva之前,她甚至尝试过成为女性朋克摇滚乐队的先驱,这对于她来说是一个重大的突破。
JURGA is one the most popular, original and creative Lithuanian pop singers, whose songs are admired by fans and critics as deep, melodious, encouraging and sensitive. Jurga was performing as back-vocal in various bands, she even tried her luck as the front-women of female punk-rock band before releasing her sensational debut solo album Aukso Pieva in 2005. It became her well deserved breakthrough. 

凭借这张专辑,她的名字立即在立陶宛家喻户晓,在国内外也获得了许多著名的音乐奖项。 2007年,她获得了MTV欧洲音乐,以及在瑞典Baltic Song Festival中获得大奖。2009年,Jurga又在美国获得两项大奖。
With this album she immediately became household name in Lithuania and received many prestigious music awards not only in Lithuania, but also abroad. In 2007 she has won MTV European Music award as The Best Baltic Act, as well as Grand Prix at Baltic Song Festival in Sweden, followed by two Just Plain Folks awards in 2009 in USA. 


Aukso Pieva 凭借25 000份的销量,在立陶宛获得了铂金认证。后续的专辑Instrukcija(2007)和+37° (Goal of Science)(2009)也都获得了认证。这些唱片中的许多单曲在立陶宛十分热门,并在拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、波兰、匈牙利、瑞典播出。
With the sales of 25 000 copies Aukso Pieva was certified platinum in Lithuania. The follow-up albums Instrukcija (2007) and +37° (Goal of Science) (2009) both were certified gold. Many singles from those records became big hits in Lithuania and were broadcasted in Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Sweden. The single 5th Season reached No.1 in radio charts in Hungary. 

在去年,Jurga成功地进行了中国、美国巡演,并在美国发行了她的最新专辑Not Perfect(2017)。在这张专辑中,她将自己敏感、忧郁,但有时叛逆的一面与电子的声音结合在一起。“完美从错误开始”是这张专辑背后的概念。有评论者称Not Perfect是Jurga迄今为止最有力的作品之一。
Last year Jurga successfully toured China, USA and released her latest album Not Perfect (2017), where she combined sensitive, melancholic, yet sometimes rebellious side of her with electronic sounds. "Perfection begins from the mistake" is the idea behind this concept album. Critics claimed Not Perfect being one of the strongest Jurga’s works to date. 


最近,Jurga将她的音乐贡献给了两部立陶宛电影——纪录片Master and Tatyana(2015),动画电影Running Lights(2017),以及一部格鲁吉亚电影Namme(2017)。 电影Running Lights(立陶宛语为Kaukai)去年获得了立陶宛电影年度作曲家奖,她与其他两位作者一同分享这个奖项。
Recently Jurga contributed her music to two Lithuanian movies (documentary Master and Tatyana, 2015 and animation Running Lights, 2017) and Georgian movie (Namme, 2017). The movie Running Lights (titled in Lithuanian as Kaukai) last year was awarded with Silver Crain statue for composer of the year at Lithuanian cinema awards, which Jurga co-shared with two other authors. 

In the year 2018 new singles are set for release followed by Jurga’ s first greatest hits compilation in autumn covering her whole career before she enters the new chapter of her music career. 

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