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2020 珍珠致敬音乐会系列火力全开,LIVE 粉丝的极 致音乐狂潮,火热预售中!下班约一场演唱会,释放一天的压力,无疑是工作日晚上最快乐的事情!


位列2020 THE PEARL珍珠现场音乐会热门榜单排行TOP 前三名,Adele & Ed Sheeran 致敬音乐会现场一经开启便获得观众们的一致好评,接连售罄,场场感动。下半年预热再度发车,惊喜连连,向偶像致敬!

有着格莱美“宠儿”之称的Adele阿黛尔,与才华横溢的年轻创作歌手Ed Sheeran 艾德希兰,两个非同一时期的创作型歌手,但都拥有21世纪唱片销量之王的称号,深受粉丝们追捧与喜爱。


由实力超群的THE PEARL 珍珠剧场音乐全能王RED STAR 红星乐队联合嘉宾歌手DAVE STONE 倾情演绎,致敬时代偶像。

除了现场天籁般的听觉享受外,两位在外形上也极 度相似,加入这场名副其实的视听盛宴,红遍全球的经典旋律 Rolling in the deep…shape of you …以及更多…你将一一在现场感受音乐家们用音乐传递出的激情与热爱,让我们共同向时代偶像致敬,快乐回归,迟到的狂欢不容错过!




Adele (Cover by :Red Star)                            

- Rolling in the deep

- Someone like you

- Send my love

- Hello

- Skyfall

- Set fire to the rain

Ed Sheeran (Cover by Dave stone)

-The A Team

-Lego House

-Give Me Love

-Kiss Me



-Thinking Out Loud

-Castle On The Hill

-Shape of You


After 3 sold out shows in 2020 we are proud to present this once again…..”A night of music from Adele and Ed Sheeran”


Who have the top selling studio albums of the 21st century? Adele and Ed Sheeran! Adele’s albums 21 and 25 and Ed Sheeran’s X and ÷ have dominated all charts this millennia.

The Pearl’s Ksenia and Dave Stone have teamed up to bring these two superstars’ hits to the stage for one weekend only, June 25, 26 & 27.


After weeks of rehearsals you can all come sit back, relax and get ready for a weekend of their top hits played live for your enjoyment


Here is a small preview of hits(but not to worry there are other surprises hits being performed too:



- Rolling in the deep

- Someone like you

- Send my love

- Hello

- Skyfall

- Set fire to the rain


Ed Sheeran

-The A Team

-Lego House

-Give Me Love

-Kiss Me



-Thinking Out Loud

-Castle On The Hill

-Shape of You


Tickets included entrance only, seating is not guaranteed. Please call to reserve seating: 136 2168 8556. Dinner service is available all night. Happy hour and food specials from 6-8pm.




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