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《富卫保险10周年呈献 张学友60+巡回演唱会 澳门》简介:


华语乐坛天王闪耀再临!享誉盛名的「歌神」张学友将于今年6月9日再度重临澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆,正式启动音乐生涯第十个个人巡回演唱会《张学友 60+巡回演唱会》首站演出,带来巨星级震撼冲击视听享受!

「歌神」张学友出道至今接近四十载,除了为华语乐坛带来首首经典名曲,更一次又一次向高难度挑战,由1995年《友学友演唱会》100场,到2007年《学友光年演唱会》105场、2010年《张学友1/2世纪演唱会》147场,再到2016年《学友 经典演唱会》233场写下傲人纪录,每场演出都全力以赴为观众送上最精彩绝伦的澎湃体验。2023年开启的全新巡演将首次以澳门为起点,踏出60+年华的崭新尝试,就如以「水」为元素的主视觉一般,本着初心继续砥砺前进,呈现华语乐坛最力臻完美的音乐盛宴。

6月9日《富卫保险10周年呈献 张学友60+巡回演唱会 澳门》,让我们与学友携手踏进他的音乐生涯新纪元,为这份非凡的幸福一同欢呼喝彩!


The king of Cantopop and Mandopop is coming to Macau again! Jacky Cheung who has been regarded as the "God of Songs" is return to the Cotai Arena of Venetian Macao on June 9 this year, with the launch of his 10th solo concert tour “Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour”, bringing all his fans the most marvelous and unpredictable music performance!

For nearly 40 years in the industry, Jacky Cheung released numbers of classical hits which captivated the audience with his passion and incredible singing technique. Through these years, he is unstoppable taking challenge, from 100 shows in “Jacky Cheung Concert 1995”, 105 shows in “The Year of Jacky Cheung World Tour 07”, 147 shows in “Jacky Cheung 1/2 Century Tour”, to the remarkable record of 233 shows in “Jacky Cheung A Classic Tour”, Jacky Cheung always giving his best to bring the most magnificent and amazing experience through his performance.


His brand new world tour “Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour” is going to start from Macau for the first time. In this tour, Jacky Cheung will fulfill the superb and flawless dream show with water as the main concept. While moving forward with his faith at the beginning when he started his career, it is also a new goal and challenge to achieve by the time he enters his 60s.


Let’s ring in the new era of Jacky Cheung’s music career, cheers for this upcoming parade in “FWD Insurance 10th Anniversary Presents : Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour Macao”!

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