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*瑞典"艺术与文学"(Litteris et Artibus)皇家勋章获得者

*《Paganini for Two》、《Schubert for Two》等畅销古典发烧天碟的缔造者






作为德意志留声机公司的专属艺术家,索舍尔至今已经录制了19张独奏张唱片,其中包含了一套声望的重量级唱片--《巴赫全套鲁特琴作品集》。它可以说是该乐曲的佳版本之一。1990年,他与美国纽约奥菲斯室内乐团合作,为德意志留声机公司录制的吉他与乐团合作作品系列,包括罗德里格的《阿兰胡埃斯协奏曲》和《绅士幻想曲》,维拉·罗伯斯的《吉他协奏曲》一经发行至今已经销售了超过15万张。1994年5月,他与小提琴家吉尔·沙汉姆录制的二重奏唱片《帕格尼尼·小提琴与吉它之二人世界》在美国登上了Billboard排行榜的畅销古典唱片前十名。1995年10月他发行了唱片《Here, there and everywhere》,就是由吉他演奏的甲壳虫乐队作品。2005年发行的唱片《文艺复兴》使他获得了2006年瑞典格莱美奖的"年度佳古典艺术家"!2007年,索舍尔与大提琴家王健合作录制了唱片,两位艺术家于2008-2009年期间一起在全世界范围内进行了巡演。


在过去的几年中,索舍尔经常受邀参加维尔比耶音乐节以及其他欧洲级的音乐节进行演出。由于索舍尔对艺术的贡献,他成为瑞典一位在吉他演奏方面获得教授头衔的音乐家,并获得了"艺术与文学"(Litteris et Artibus)皇家勋章,也成了瑞典皇家音乐学院的一名成员。





1. 巴赫:C大调第三无伴奏大提琴组曲

J. S. Bach: Suite for Solo Cello No. 3 in C major, BWV 1009

2. 沃格伦:致敬C.P.E巴赫

Jan Wallgren: Hommage a C. Ph. E. Bach.

3. 披头士乐队:艾比路组曲

The Beatles: Abbey Road Suite


Here Comes the Sun




She Came in through the Bathroom Window




4. 魏斯:莱菲尔德a小调组曲

S. L. Weiss: Suite in A minor 'L'infidéle'

5. 博德曼:西班牙组曲

Laci Boldeman: Spanish Suite







6. 弗朗西斯科·巴桑蒂:从18世纪早期在爱丁堡出版的手稿中改编的苏格兰民歌

Francesco Barsanti: Scottish folk songs from an early 18-century manuscript published in Edinburgh

-洛根之水 (格兰·索舍尔改编)

Logan Water (arr. Goeran Soellscher)

-铁壶 (格兰·索舍尔改编)

Clout de Cauldron (arr. Goeran Soellscher)

-打扮好,打扮好,我漂亮的新娘 (格兰·索舍尔改编)

Busk ye, busk ye my bonny bride (arr. Goeran Soellscher)

7. 西班牙民谣:爱的罗曼史

Spanish Folk Song: Romance d'Amour


The Pure Romance d'Amour

G?ran S?llscher Guitar Concert

Performance Time:2019/09/12 (Thu.) 19:30

Performance Venue:Experimental Theatre

After his musical education at the Royal Conservatory of Copenhagen, G?ran S?llscher embarked on an international career by winning the first prize at the "Concours Internationale de Guitare" in Paris, in 1978.

From his native Sweden, G?ran S?llscher has toured all over the world - Europe, America, Asia. And he regularly performs with all famous orchestras: the Japan Philharmonic in Tokyo, the English Chamber Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London under conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Alexander Gibson etc.

As an exclusive Deutsche Grammophon artist, G?ran S?llscher has until today made 19 solo recordings, which includes a prestigeous complete box of J.S. Bach's works for lute.

In May 1994, his duo-recording together with Gil Shaham "Paganini for Two" was listed among the ten best selling classical albums in the USA (Billboard Magazine) and in October 1995 he released "Here, there and everywhere" - a CD with music by The Beatles arranged for solo guitar.

His album on DG, called The Renaissance Album (2005) won the Swedish "Grammis Award" in 2006, in the category "Classical Artist of the Year"!

During the past few years G?ran S?llscher has been a frequent guest at the Verbier Festival, and at other important international festivals in Europe.For some years now G?ran S?llscher has been holding Sweden's only professorship in guitar playing. In January 2006 Mr S?llscher was awarded the Royal Medal Litteris et Artibus. He is equally a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music.




1. J. S. Bach: Suite for Solo Cello No. 3 in C major, BWV 1009

2. Jan Wallgren: Hommage a C.Ph. E. Bach.

3. The Beatles: Abbey Road Suite

-Here Comes the Sun


-She Came in through the Bathroom Window


4. S. L. Weiss: Suite in A minor'L'infidéle'

5. Laci Boldeman: Spanish Suite




6. Francesco Barsanti: Scottish folk songs from an early 18-century manuscript published in Edinburgh

-Logan Water (arr. Goeran Soellscher)

-Clout de Cauldron (arr. Goeran Soellscher)

-Busk ye, busk ye my bonny bride (arr. Goeran Soellscher)

7. Spanish Folk Song: Romance d'Amour

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