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Alan Walker 2024年

Walker World行者世界巡演正式回归


演出时间:2024年6月 15日 20:00 澳门伦敦人综艺馆


       艾伦·沃克,生于1997年8月24日,挪威DJ、音乐制作人,出生于英国英格兰北安普顿。他以电子舞曲单曲《Faded》(迷失)走红,并创作了多首热门歌曲,包括《Force》(2015)、《Sing Me ToSleep》(唱首歌伴我入眠)(2016)、《Alone》(不孤单)(2016)、《All Falls Down》(全面崩坏)(与NoahCyrus、Digital Farm Animals以及Juliander合作)(2017)、《Darkside》(暗黑之境)(2018)、《DiamondHeart》(钻石心)(2018)、《On My Way》(与Sabrina Carpenter以及Farruko合作)(2019)、以及《Alone, Pt.II》(不孤单第二章)(与Ava Max合作)(2019)。这些作品在YouTube上吸引了数亿次观看次数。沃克的音乐不仅在流媒体平台上取得了巨大成功,还受到了多位知名DJ的混音,如Tiësto、DashBerlin和Hardwell。他的音乐作品成为2016年Shazamed前10名曲目之一,展现了他在电子音乐领域的卓越成就。他从出道以来已经多次举办全球巡演。2023年11月Alan Walker在全球范围发布全新音乐专辑《WalkerWorld》并以此作为巡演主题新篇章。

       2023年Alan Walker行者世界中国巡演在中国上海,苏州,佛山,成都,武汉等地火爆上演,场场爆满!此次电音教主AlanWalker来到澳门伦敦人综艺馆,领跑2024年中国巡演开幕。耗时1年研发设计立体舞台及观众互动体验,定会为你带来不一样的感官盛宴。








Alan Walker 2024:

Walker World Tour Returns!

Macau Coming Soon...

Performance Date: June 15, 2024, 8:00 PM, The Londoner Arena, Macau


[Artist Introduction]

Alan Walker, born on August 24, 1997, is a Norwegian DJ and music producer who was born in Northampton, England. He gained fame with his electronic dance track "Faded" (Lost), and has since produced several hit songs, including "Force" (2015), "Sing Me To Sleep" (2016), "Alone" (2016), "All Falls Down" (with Noah Cyrus, Digital Farm Animals, and Juliander) (2017), "Darkside" (2018), "Diamond Heart" (2018), "On My Way" (with Sabrina Carpenter and Farruko) (2019), and "Alone, Pt.II" (with Ava Max) (2019). These works have garnered hundreds of millions of views on YouTube. Walker's music has not only achieved great success on streaming platforms, but has also been remixed by several well-known DJs, such as Tiesto, DashBerlin, and Hardwell. His music works were among the top 10 Shazamed songs of 2016, showcasing his outstanding achievements in the electronic music field. He has held global tours since his debut. In November 2023, Alan Walker released a new music album titled "WalkerWorld" globally and used it as the theme for his new tour chapter.

In 2023, Alan Walker's Walker World China Tour was a huge success in China, with sold-out shows in Shanghai, Suzhou, Foshan, Chengdu, Wuhan, and other cities. This time, the electronic music legend Alan Walker is coming to the Londoner Macau Arena to kick off his 2024 China tour. It took a year to research and design the 3D stage and audience interaction experience, which will definitely bring you a different sensory feast.


<Walker World>connect every corner of the world with music.

We invite you to join us.

Looking forward to your coming

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